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O MadBunnyRabbit

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  1. Nie wiem, ja tak nie potrafię. Ja mam oczekiwania i się często przez to nakręcam, dlatego nie mogę powiedzieć, że BB bardziej mi się podoba. Fakt, ciekawie się zaczęło, ciekawie się kończy, ale wszystko po między... Jak by to powiedzieć. Spodziewałem się więcej akcji i jasne czasami były genialne sceny, ale o wiele za mało. Pewnie po pierwszym sezonie nakręciłem się na własny pomysł jak serial się potoczy i się strasznie rozczarowałem. Co do SoA, czy oni tego nie anulowali? Pamiętam, że obejrzałem sezon albo dwa i było całkiem ok, ale nie wiem czemu wydawało mi się, że się skończyło. Co do tego, że Dex po drugim sezonie zaczął podupadać. Hm... I tak, i nie. Przede wszystkim, wydaje mi się, że postawili sobie za wysoko poprzeczkę Nic po tym nie miało tak wielkiego znaczenia. Jasne była Rita, ale w następnym sezonie rozegrali to trochę do dupy, nie miało to takiego ciągłego znaczenia jak S2, tylko znowu odcinek, dwa i wszystko jest ok. No i oczywiście końcówka S6 i S7, ale znowuż, końcówka, dwa odcinki w następnym. No może nie w S7, struktura była dość dobra, tylko, historia nie zbyt wciągająca.
  2. Czy my myślimy o tym samym Dexterze? Cały sezon był beznadziejny. Rozumiem, Twoja opinia, spoko, ale po prostu nie mogę się z Tobą zgodzić. Mam nadzieje, że wybaczysz mój mały wybuch ^.^
  3. MadBunnyRabbit

    Jakie studia?

    Słuchaj, ja mam 23 lata, zawód technik informatyk, wyleciałem z prawa na zbity pysk i zaczynam angielski od zera. Nikt nie wie co chce robić będąc w gimnazjum. Niewielu wie co chce robić jeszcze w LO/TECH Właśnie dlatego piszę żebyś robił to co lubisz i/lub jesteś w tym dobry. W przeciwnym razie będziesz tylko marnował cenny czas na zdobywanie doświadczenia. Złe podejście. Nigdy nie spekuluj co jest teraz na topie lub będzie dostępne, bo po 3-5 latach wszystko może się zmienić. Poza tym łatwo jest rozróżnić kogoś kto po prostu się wyuczył a kimś kto jest pasjonatem. Nie muszę chyba mówić, że ten drugi ma większą szansę na awans, zaraz po kuzynie pracodawcy... i puszczalskiej koleżance. Jeżeli perspektywa pracy w terenie Ci się podoba, to jak najbardziej, poducz się. Jeżeli chcesz iść na studia, żeby mieć papierek, zabezpieczenie finansowe, to już teraz Ci powiem, że dalej zajdziesz idąc od razu do pracy i wyrabiając sobie różne uprawnienia. Robienie kursów itp. Będziesz miał i papier i doświadczenie po tych 3-5 latach. Ja byłem 20 miejsc pod listą. Zgadnij co. 20 osób zdecydowało się na inny kierunek/uczelnię i zamknąłem listę przyjętych. Oczywiście nie twierdzę, że powinieneś mieć gdzieś maturę. Lepsze wyniki, większe szanse etc., tylko po prostu jeżeli coś pójdzie nie po twojej myśli, nie załamuj się. W najgorszym wypadku, jak pisałem; pójdź na niestacjonarne albo płatne stacjonarne. W gdańsku semestr jest zdaje się 3500 z tego co pamiętam. Przez sezon możesz to zarobić, poprosić o kasę od rodziny na drugi semestr, którą oczywiście oddasz i zasuwasz pod koniec roku z prośbą o przeniesienie na normalne stacjonarne.
  4. MadBunnyRabbit

    Jakie studia?

    Sorry, że się tak wtrącam, ale jeżeli nie jesteś dobry z chemii i nie widziałeś sensu w geologi to czemu ją rozważasz? Studia to nie kolejna klasa, w której Cię będą uczyć od podstaw. Tam idziesz już coś wiedząc. Więc idź na coś co już umiesz, masz dobre oceny, przychodzi Ci z łatwością. W ten sposób będziesz miał więcej czasu popracować nad brakami. A co do wyników z matury. Proszę Cię. Ja się dostałem na prawo na UG z żenującą maturą. Znajoma podobne wyniki - Jagielonka. Pierwszy rok jest na przesiew, a nawet jak się nie dostaniesz to są "wieczorowe", z dobrymi wynikami po pół roku możesz nawet przejść na stacjonarne.
  5. Gdybyś wiedział, nie pisałbyś, że to są gratulacje i jako takie powinny być przyjęte. Nie ważne jakiego słowa autor użył, ważne jakie miał za tym intencje. Jeżeli nie załapałem żartu, trudno, ale nie wciskaj mi, że to tylko gratulacje. Albo szczere gratulacje, albo złośliwy, ironiczny, prowokacyjny żart. Jedno z drugim się wyklucza. Jak dla mnie genialne. Ponieważ, jeżeli kichnąłbym tak samo, ale przez przypadek, na początku byłbyś równie wkurzony. ...
  6. Cały jad i ironię? Chyba ktoś, tu nie wie co to jest ironia. Tu nie chodzi o to jakie słowa zostały użyte, ale jakie za nimi stoją intencje. Jakbym miał ochotę kichnąć i specjalnie podszedłbym i kichnął jak najgłośniej potrafię, prosto w Twoje ucho. Podobało by Ci się to?
  7. Nie jestem na bierząco z autorami. No i jakoś, nie widzę tego żartobliwego tonu. Może mnie jakoś dziwnie nauczono, ale tak to odbieram.
  8. Czy tylko ja odbieram komentarze autora w tytule i pod koniec jako pogardliwe? Gratulacje? Zachwyceni? Co to ma być? Gdyby nie protekcjonalne zasady, z chęcią bym się rozpisał jak bardzo zachwycony jestem.
  9. MadBunnyRabbit

    English Channel

    No worries. If I can''t get this topic to run, we can always pick up where we left. After all, this is a forum not a czat :)
  10. MadBunnyRabbit

    English Channel

    You may say that, but what does it really mean? You may that after first world war, we weren''t in top condition as a nation, still we showed, we can kick ass. Besides the whole Europe was a bit fucked up. Should we have joined axis forces? Knowing that UK and France stood us out, that seems like an idea, right? We are in this uncomfortable, position of being in between. Constantly ravaged by war. If I had to use some kind of analogy, I must use a true story here. In mid school, there was this kid. He was bullied almost all the time and I mean, really bullied, nothing near what passes for bulling this days. I don''t even know why. He had a twin and nobody bothered him. Whenever someone made fun of me I just turned it into a joke and when pushed around I pushed back. Generally it worked for me. Nobody was giving me shit. The thing is, that kid, at first he was taking all the verbal abuse. When someone pushed him, he was getting all angry. By the end of a year, it didn''t matter what he did. He could talk back, push back, things only escalated because of that. I guess what I''m trying to say, is that we as a country, been pushed around so much, that no matter what we do, nobody will take it seriously. They''ll just gang up on us in worst case scenario. It is pretty sad, but I actually believe this to be true. We would need to invent something world changing to get out of that position and we all know how world and ground breaking inventions work. Rich people pay for you, so you can do science. Not that many interested rich people here. You here it all the time in the news. Pole doctor did something groundbreaking, in US, in Germany. If our government doesn''t take egg heads seriously, rest of the world won''t take our government seriously. As simple as that. At least to me it is. Oh please. I remember hearing in the news, maybe a year, maybe two ago. Some butt-hurt Germans wanted “their” property in what was once German territory. This is really all bullshit. Oh look at me, I have boring, low paid job, but wait, my uncle Hans had this nice property outside of Gdańsk, yeah, I bet if I claim it and sell it, I''ll be able to do something about my life. Well, I still think colonists sound cooler ^.^ Can you believe that this is first time I listened to this guy? I saw memes with him, but never got to watch any of his shows. To me he sounds more like a ranter than stand up comedian, still he makes some great points in his acts. For me it depends. When they are all aggressive and blunt, like Carr, I love it, but when they do some more sophisticated jokes, or cabarets, I just don''t get it. I bet if I were to learn more about their culture that would change, but for now, if I can''t understand, I can''t laugh. Funny thing is, that according to curriculum, PE teacher should talk about some boring stuff, like size of field etc., but I bet you also played football on almost every classes. Did anybody actually read them? Outside of people that for some reason got passionate about that? Besides, personally, I always was a math guy. It is so much simpler. It wasn''t boring. Not to me. If I am to be honest, I could barely read it because of the style. Which is funny, because I have this weird way of writing. It is important to note, that as a kid I had dyslexia. To this day I''m below average when it comes to reading speed and according to my doctor I should use glasses when reading, despite the fact, I''m short sighted. Well, not just according to her. When I actually tried, I was more focused, but I normally wear them to drive. So, I''m not used. Heh, look at me making excuses. Still, this is important, because having all those problems, it isn''t fun for me to read. That is why I mentioned style. “Księga Motyli” is as simple as it can get. Short sentences. Not to many fancy words, if any, to be honest. It is a story about a girl looking to find out about her crazy mother and I had more fun reading that, than “Fight Club”. I loved the movie, it was great. Most likely would never go to watch an adaptation of “Księga Motyli”, because no amount of trailers and reviews would convince me that a girl talking to herself for two hours would make for a great movie. I suck, I know. I bitched about all my Polish teachers, but I must give credit to one. Although, she was telling us the “right” answer and she graded us based on that. She was interested in our interpretations and I believe she let some people (like me xD) slide a bit (a lot), if they had some interesting observations. Despite the fact, she failed me in the last class and I had to wait a whole year to write my maturity exam, I like her. She was cool and fair. Again, it is this curriculum BS. I want to recommend you CGPGrey He talks about all sort of different things. If teachers would be like him, world of education would look so much better. I can''t freaking wait for him to expand on his “How to Become the British Monarch“ video. Sorry, I''ll be responding in longer intervals, because someone brought home, some viruses and I''m really starting to feel like shit.
  11. MadBunnyRabbit

    English Channel

    It''s not all that good and well there. Not their glorious days. Still you have a point. Then again, we kinda could have played some small role with the rocked shield thingy. If it would come to it, he would probably took an interest. Another pawn in US, Russia conflict, just like Syria right now. Are we really? I meet some Ukrainians here in Poland and they generally say that back home sucks. Go figure. Keeping that in mind, I''m not sure what their government has against us. If it is about history bullshit, then actually, the land was kinda ours. I dunno. Don''t really care. It is all one giant BS. All over the world. Not sure if you are aware, but they have their own, growing in popularity term; “murica”. Sure it is more towards rednecks, but I guess if you want to generalize everything wrong with the country, you can just as well use that. Still if you just want to call people in general, why not use “colonists” xD Web comic about gaming that parodies stuff. Well that''s a new one *sarcasm* Well, it did made me laugh, but still, internet is filled with that stuff. At least be a little original, like Looking for Group. He actually makes this joke from time to time. Well, since both are “Latino comedians”, comparison seems fair. Although that sounds a bit racist, when I think about it. Why would I be? It reminds me of one episode of South Park, where “faggot” changed its meaning in the whole country and everybody was using it care free, to the point where actual gay men took the word back to its previous meaning. Not sure what the hell was the moral, since they claim every joke should have one. Can''t see it. At first they were playing Monty Python, which I don''t find funny at all and some other group, that actually was kinda funny. Later we could play whatever we wanted as long as it was in English. A lot to cover here. Let me start with the boring aspect. Honestly, I don''t think that most of our literature is boring. When you sit and think about it, there is a lot of interesting, even fun stuff in it. I would say it all comes down to how you present a book. For instance, all my Polish teachers were doing the standard thing. Title, week to read, give me a summery to prove you read it and then teacher takes the wheel, explaining style and other BS. After two or three classes like that, another book. You could take the most interesting book in the world, present it like that and it instantly looses its appeal. The second problem is the time given to read it. After all the words are a bit out of date in those classics. With time, you may learn them, but still, there are sever other classes you have to get ready and read a full novel in seven days. My mom sometimes take longer to read a book and she is a book worm. That plus the fact, you stay over forty hours a week at school. That is just asking for impossible. At college you at least have five or six subjects with twenty hours a week and people say that is hard. So my question is, what the hell? Another thing is style and wording. I have Lord of the Rings trilogy. Haven''t read it all. It collects dust for several years right now. I got my hand on book called “Księga Motyli”, read it over the weekend. If you expect your students to read those heavy, old, Polish, classic novels, then maybe start with something simpler. Teach them words. Don''t expect that they will know everything author was trying to say in it, as you dictate it. That is another problem I have. Who the hell says it should be like that? Shouldn''t beauty of literature be to just let your imagination go? In fact, in every creative media? For instance (some shameless advertisement) on my blog I wrote a text two days ago. Some took it literally, praised the idea of fully English written, despite being a bit creepy and one guy called it pretentious, which started a discussion about usage of Latin in churches. So far nobody seems to get it why I wrote it, like I did and most likely nobody will ever get it. Unless I come clean with it, if for some strange reason, in the future someone digs it up and finds it to be some brilliant peace of write art, they cannot say with hundred percent accuracy, what I meant. Then why do it now? Sure some may be obvious to people smarter than me, but why punish creativity. As long as it has hands and legs, it should be reworded. But no, it is faster to look for key phrases on the final exam and grade like that. This is going out of hand. I should stop right now and I''ll do so. Ah, cute teachers, we love them all ^.^ I should have expected that. Still if we will talk about some of the more interesting facts in the history, I wouldn''t mind and I know there are some interesting bits there. Still, like I wrote, as long as you can present something in an interesting way, even if it''s just some boring nonsense, it makes a big difference.
  12. MadBunnyRabbit

    English Channel

    I guess I spoke to soon. They took out the stats, but fortunately there someone worked around it. I was able to trace my posts and two things turn out. First, I can''t really find the thread I was talking about and the post exchange. Also I found some other posts and the longest are around the same length. So I guess I got more efficient with responding, because I remember doing so over an hour a post.
  13. MadBunnyRabbit

    English Channel

    That is nothing. Back in ''09 I had an conversation on forum, that had two, three times longer posts. Can''t really remember which topic, but if you want, I''ll try to dig it up, if forum archive/stats are still working.
  14. MadBunnyRabbit

    English Channel

    Exactly what I meant. The same with Russia and as you mentioned Ukraine. I even was a witness to such a discussion by some butt-hurt Ukrainian and I assume a Pole, about how we took their territory. I feel like these type of discussion, if they really need to exist, should be reserved after we take care of internal problems. In fact, let me change the subject a bit. Did you ever listen to "Poranny WF"? Basically for about an hour, Wojewódzki and Figurski were offending anyone they can. They were making fun of plain crush in Smoleńsk and everything surrounded by that, from burial in Wawel and the cross controversy for about two month, almost every day. What I can''t understand is, how in the hell they did that, without any consequences, but the second they made fun of of Ukrainian women, as our countries were getting ready for euro, they had to apologize and they got shut down. It occurred to me right now. What if it was because of our mutual history? I get that saying you have an illegal immigrant maid slash sex slave or whatever else they were talking about is degrading both to women and Ukraine people, but for F sake. They were making fun of our prime minister, president and Putin. Isn''t it ironic? Putin didn''t make a fuss out of them joking that he staged this with Tusk, but mention Ukraine and they are gone. Then we have something in common. That is, not liking heat. Although in some parts of Canada, I bet cold waves are a major problem. I also like how you generalize them as being nice people. I guess when why generalize someone, it is better to use positives, rather than negative. In the end, if you finally end up there, you will see for yourself how it is. Maybe give us some insight (assuming this site will exist and people interested will still be here) on how accurate the stereotypes are. :) As for difference in English based on location, I watched a great stand-up special by Gabriel Iglesias. He posted the whole thing for free, for his non American fans, which you can watch here In my opinion, he is hilarious. You should definitely check him out, but to the point. At first he talks a bit about differences between Hawaii and continental US. He didn''t talk much about their slang, but he did mention cool substitute for "yes". Me and skates don''t get along, but I actually like the sound of "mate". Way better than "dude". As for language mix, I like how Irish call their cigarettes. Whenever I have an occasion to drop unexpected "fag" on people, I use it. I don''t blame you. Although for me it was a bit of disappointment slash rebellion, but in the end the language just didn''t want to stay in my head. Fact that some words in English are from German, didn''t help at all, especialy in situations where they sound similar, but meant different things. That is if anybody would actually listen to it and not talk over the tv. Besides, like I mentioned, most of my free time is spent on YT, so an hour or two a week listening to a movie, didn''t realy change much. No need for such warnings. ^.^ Also pretty cool song. Sounds like a cool teacher. Oh please. Stop with the BS. You see? Not so very well. Well ok, maybe very well, but I strive for perfection!(sometimes) Some really wise words. I just hope more teacher would understood it, instead of bombarding us with grammar quizzes. I mean seriously. I''m sitting in mid school, intermediate level and first semester is all about basics. What the hell is that all about? Didn''t I get to that group based on my knowledge? Maybe it is because of curriculum (fun fact: I knew this word, had to check what "łyżwy" translates to). That doesn''t change the fact it should be, well, changed. Honestly, I couldn''t care less about other people in that regard. I just hope we will actually speak and that there wont be too many history classes. That is my Achilles heel.
  15. MadBunnyRabbit

    English Channel

    Don''t worry. I guess I would be just as surprised as you. In fact I am. One of the first thing, when I came back to forum I tried to stretch this stupid window and I just couldn''t believe this. Although, it is important to note, that all my browsers are out of date, which may explain why I can''t do it. I hate when people bring up past stuff like this. I get, it is supposed to be used humorously here and I have no problem about it. I''m talking about people that base their judgment of other people, on history. Hate those people. As far as I know, they aren''t as popular, so whatever. In the worst case scenario I''ll be talking a strange hybrid of the four. Who knows, maybe if some day I''ll get international fame, that would become my distinguish characteristic. Please. That is nothing. Prim school, German instead of English. Before you ask, I don''t remember anything from those three years Mid school. Straight to intermediate. Teacher was ok, but the class was just terrible, so she lowered the bar. Technical (high?) school. First year, competent, demanding teacher. Really nice level. Second year. Two new teachers. One for my group another for another. They were sisters, so most of the time we all sit cramped in a classroom watching movies. The excuse was, that movies were in English. Third year, we got a guy, we texted, when nobody wanted to stay on his classes, as they were the last ones that year. Also from time to time he came in with hangover and wasn''t shy to admit it. Final year, we got a nice, maybe to nice teacher. She said, that she doesn''t know us and doesn''t want to judge us to harsh, since it is the last year. I don''t really remember picking up handbook on her classes. Sometimes she just brought in some basic grammar quizzes. If you didn''t notice, I''m trying to say that my English education was a big fat joke. My grammar is purely instinctual. I couldn''t quote you a single rule. I feel so amazing about it, that I just had to boost about it on a polish forum. That is assuming you''re not facedesking right now. I guess you would say something or stop responding if it was bad, or rather really bad. That is interesting. I honestly can''t tell you, if I understood or not games I was playing as a kid. I guess it just came to me naturally. I could use Red Alert 2 as an example, if I understood cutscenes or not as I was about 11-12yo, but about a year ago I felt some nostalgia and played it again. I think I understood enough to enjoy playing without trying to figure out what to do next, but nothing in the campaign surprised me. Like I wrote cartoon network was my teacher, I think I have to it, because teachers did jack to advance my knowledge of the language.