
Kwasy by Jasió, James & SiniS

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Dnia 28.05.2010 o 08:50, Fumiko napisał:

"Za moich czasów" szkolnych to uchodziło za szmirę i wstyd było słuchać.

Nic się w tej kwestii nie zmieniło. ;D

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Dnia 28.05.2010 o 08:50, Fumiko napisał:

"Za moich czasów" szkolnych to uchodziło za szmirę i wstyd było słuchać.

To może wrzucę coś w podobnym tonie - "Scatman world" z napisami. Za młodu nie zwracało się na teksty uwagi.
Tak ukochany przez lud monsterowy odtwarzacz :3

@HumanGhost: jeszcze gorsze były chyba Smerfne Hity :D

A teraz coś z zupełnie innej beczki - wyszedł nowy odcinek Garry''s MoD Idiot Box 9, niestety okazał się kawałkiem kloca (piece of crap) więc zapodam coś z konkurencji. Jest więcej szaleństwa :]

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Dnia 28.05.2010 o 11:59, SpecShadow napisał:

> "Za moich czasów" szkolnych to uchodziło za szmirę i wstyd było słuchać.

To może wrzucę coś w podobnym tonie - "Scatman world" z napisami. Za młodu nie zwracało
się na teksty uwagi.
Tak ukochany przez lud monsterowy odtwarzacz :3

Scatman to ulubiony wokalista mojego dzieciństwa, a mam teraz zaledwie 17 lat :>
R.I.P Scatman :<

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Dnia 28.05.2010 o 16:08, Abomek napisał:
Pora pozniejsza dzisejszego dnia spodziewajcie sie creepypasty.

Skoro o CP mowa - w szybkich linkach znalazłem to:
Co do twojego linka - czemu nie ma czegoś takiego na NK tylko sama "chała polskyego ynterneta"?

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Dnia 28.05.2010 o 11:54, HumanGhost napisał:

Nic się w tej kwestii nie zmieniło. ;D

Owszem, zmieniło się o tyle, że to przynajmniej ma tekst i muzykę, a wykonawca lepiej lub gorzej ale śpiewa bez elektronicznego wspomagania.

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Dnia 28.05.2010 o 08:50, Fumiko napisał:

Trafiłam po linkach.

"Za moich czasów" szkolnych to uchodziło za szmirę i wstyd było słuchać.

Porównując z dzisiejszymi gwiazdami pop - arcydzieło.

Rozumiem że to miał być żart? Dzisiejsi popowi wykonawcy rozkładaja ta chałe na łopatki. Nie lubie zbytnio popu ale jeszcze bardziej nie lubie beznadziejnego popu.
Zgadzam sie z HumanGhostem

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Może to kogoś zainteresuje - pikseloza. A dokładniej to Nowe gry w starej oprawie (na fikcyjną konsolę CVS) oraz LOST jako przygodówka w systemie SCUMM.

Kurczę, poczułem przypływ dawno nieodczuwanej inspiracji... i mam ochotę zrobić to co na obrazku tzn. nowe gry w starym opakowaniu.


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Dnia 28.05.2010 o 17:14, SpecShadow napisał:

Troszke sie spoznilem - okolo 16 30 poszedlem sie zdrzemnac i obudzilem sie moze godzine temu. :X
Dzieki za linka - akurat mam co poczytac na noc. :)

Oto obiecana CreepyPasta:

Alright, well. I think I was probably in about fifth or sixth grade, and the college town I lived in had this huge bicycle path that went through about half the city. My step-sister and I got bored one night, and we both had a little bit of cash, so we decided to make our way to this path and follow it up to an ice cream shop.

We told my mom, who made sure we had our cell phones and sent us out [In retrospect, I realize its kind of odd. She let us go out after dark by ourselves for however long it took us to get there? But then again my mom did believe in giving us freedom]

We were walking down the path, which we knew perfectly because we walked it from school every day, specifically one of the most secluded parts of it, with woods on one side and a field on the other.

I was just commenting that I felt suddenly creepy, and I kind of wish we''d brought our dog along (I was always pretty intune with what was going on, and tended to know when I was in danger) when, out of NOWHERE, there''s this HORRIBLE screaming sound and something goes zigzagging away through the field beside us, quick as a wink.

We scream and grab on to each other, of course, and just stare. This zigzagging thing never reached the woods on the opposite side of the field, it just stopped moving. Whatever it was couldn''t be too big, because the grass was just about six inches tall.

Now, I''m a vet-med student, and I''ve seen, and heard, A LOT of animals. Including all sorts of wild rodents and rabbits. My step-sister was the first to suggest it sounded like a dying rabbit, but a dying rabbit couldn''t move that fast. And I disagreed, It had a rising and falling lilt to it that i''ve never heard in anything but a human.

Needless to say, we booked it the rest of the way and took and alternate route home.

At the house we used to live at, it always sounded like someone would be knocking at my door, it didn''t happen constantly or anything like that, in fact sometimes weeks would go by with no knocking. When it happened though it as always when I was upstairs alone and it was a definite knock; there was a pattern to it that couldn''t have been the wind or anything.

Anyways, one day I''m in my room and I hear the knock, now normally when I heard it I would get up and check to see if someone was there, but this time I didn''t. I''d had enough, then knock came again, and again, and another two times, and I ignored all of them. Each time the knocking happened it sounded more urgent, louder, but I carried on ignoring it, I remember saying "I''M NOT LISTENING" I was about 10 at the time.

Next thing I know several things happen all at once, something pushed my lower back hard, I''m launched from my bed, end up sprawled on the floor, and all the storage boxes and junk I kept on my wardrobe came crashing down onto my bed right where I''d been sat.

I never heard the knocking again after that. Still don''t know what the fuck it was,

So I was in my barn when I was around twelve years old. I lived on your typical small Tennessee farm. Life was alright, and I was having a good day.

I remember I was playing with a pitchfork. I was trying to throw it and stick it into a wall like a spear...It never worked, but I was a persistant little fucker.

Anyway, you know how when you''re doing something repetitive, you kind of start to blank out, and focus on the noise, or the motion? I was doing that. Five steps, toss CLANG, five steps, toss, CLANG, etc. I did this for nearly an hour, as if hypnotized or something.

But, the weird thing is, when I heard my mom yelling that supper was ready, I dropped the pitchfork and started walking my bare feet back to the house...but the sound didn''t stop. Step, step, step, step, step CLANG.

I just stood there with the biggest ''what the fuck?'' kind of look on my face. Hearing my own footsteps, and the pitchfork which I saw laying on the ground clanging against the wall. After a few minutes I just left, utterly confused. I could hear the clang all the way to the back porch of the house. I have no idea how long it went on.

I know it wasn''t some kind of fucked up mind trick or anything because as I walked the sound got softer and softer. A lot of creepy shit happened on that farm, but this was just...weird. Not scary, just...odd.

- When I was about 8 years old, I had the routine of waking up around 3am to use the restroom. One night, while my mother and father were at the hospital, with my bothered giving birth to my younger sister, I stayed home with only my Grandmother to look after me.
Sure enough. 3am came around and I woke up because I had to tinkle. While sliding off my bed, feeling the floor for my sandals, I started o hear rapping on my window. A raspy voice began calling out my name. "Adam... Adam...", more urgently every step I took from my bed. I dived back into my bed, covered myself beneath my covers, and kept hearing th voice until I forced myself to fall asleep. I never mentioned it to anyone, but I convinced myself that it was my Grandmother, or someone else playing a prank on me. I honestly don''t know what it was.

Another story from my gram''s place. We were living with her, and I took my little dog and went exploring in the woods that ring her neighborhood.

I found this old shack and I was FASCINATED with this place for some reason. Like, it was a fucking gravitational pull or something for me to come up on the porch, put my shoulder to the door and force it open. [Why I knew it needed to be forced I don''t know]

My dog was having NONE of it, plunking her ass down at the end of her leash. I got almost to the porch, before I got this fleeting knowledge, or thought, or whatever that if I looked in I would see something I didn''t like on the floor.

I turned on my heel and hoofed it back home as fast as I could.

My mom went back into the woods with me later, I was catching lizards and frogs and stuff, and we found the shack, but I swear it was closer than I remembered.

She hated the way the clearing felt, so we left.

It''s been torn down since, but still. It was freaky, I can''t explain the feeling of having knowledge from... somewhere, something, not your own head.

When I was around the age of 7, I visted my aunt and uncle for a week or so, and every morning when we were at breakfast, my aunt and uncle old me I was walking trough the house that night. Everey fucking morning. I didn''t remember myself walking trough the house with no lights on etc, so I just tought they were trolling me. Untill the last night I stayed there.

I remember waking up in standing position, completely in the dark. Just standing there. My first reaction was just to stand still, I was shocked, so I standed still for what looked like ages. It was horrifieng, cause I couldnt see if I was asleep or awake. So I took all my courrage togheter and watched my fance bb-G watch. It was 11:30 in the morning. 111:30, and everything completely dark. Then my memorie just stops, and I find myself in bed again, 11:50 or something, and the sun is shining in.

Knock knock knock
At 5am
Knock Knock Knock
Every morning
Knock Knock Knock
Every day

Honestly, this isn''t scary as much as it''s an oddity. When I was a kid, the knocking would always start around 5am, and cease around 5:15am. My dad, who had adopted the noise as some sort of alarm clock, told me that it was just the water pressure from the neighbors'', whose pipe would shake and slam against the wall.
That seemed like a good reason behind it, since everyone in my house was aware of it, and none of them mentioned it.
However, I went to visit my parents not too long ago, and learned that they neighbors had since then moved away. The house is now abandoned, and is covered in tall grass and trash.
I stayed at my parents that night, after 10 years of being away from home.
At 5am it began again.
Knock Knock Knock
Rythmucally for 15 minutes, always taking a second break after the third knock before repeating itself.
My dad woke up at 5am as always. "Pay no mind." No said.

Since then I''ve always had a bit of an unease about leaving my closet doors open at all. Not to the extent that I''d always make sure they were shut completely, but rather I''d feel weird sometimes knowing their were open, a feeling that I''d shut away and dismiss.
The doors are the kind that are suspended on a track on which they slide along and since my desk chair often brushes against them and opens them, them being completely shut was a fairly rare occurrence.

The night of this story was different, in that regard. It was about 3 am, long past the bedtime of all the people and animals in the household, and probably the entire neighborhood. The closet doors had fallen off their tracks from the chair banging into them once too often, so I had just repaired them and closed them completely before I gathered my laptop and headed to the top bunk of my bunk beds.
The room is windowless, so once the ceiling lamp was off, the laptop screen was the only source of light in the room.

I placed the laptop on the bed and while climbing the ladder looked back at the closet doors, which were directed opposite my bed on the other side of the room.

The left door was open.

It was open several inches.

I froze on the ladder

My mind scurried to replay the recent events, reassuring myself that I had indeed completely closed them not a moment ago

As my thoughts rewind I stare

and as I stare

I see it move.

My eyes haven''t fully adjusted to the darkness, I rationalize, as I stare more intently at the closet door.

Its slowly opening.

I feel my body shudder without moving, a hot flash hits as if my whole body is flushing, the dread starting in my core and running up the back of my neck, ending in a dull throb in the back of my skull.

I stare.

It must be my eyes.

I stare.

It''s too dark to really tell.

I stare.

I slowly build my resolve and step down from the ladder. I turn to the wall, find the light switch. It flicks on, I turn to the closet door.

It''s closed.

Completely closed.

My eyes widen, I blink. "But..." my mind seems to stutter.


Not breaking eye contact, I flick the switch back off.

The strip of black emerges once more in an instant, but it is not a peek into a dark closet, merely a shadow cast from the door frame''s molding.

Alright, this is my last one for the night.

When I was about 9, I used to spend my summers playing with both my brother, and my friend Trevor. Trevor lived about a quarter mile down the road with his parents and two siblings. They were much older than him though, hence why he''d come to my house to hang out, since we were both the same age.

As mentioned before, it was a very small town that we lived in, so there was really no worry about crime or anything like that. Our parents had no problem letting us run around to wherever we wanted, so long as we were home before it got dark. Sometimes my mom would even pack us a lunch before we went on our way.

One of our favorite spots was the river that ran through the county. There weren''t many fish in it, but it was fun splashing around in the water and making little paper boats that we''d send sailing down it.

At the head of the river was an old factory. It had been shut down about 10 years prior, because the owners had been dumping their waste into the river and couldn''t afford to pay all of the fines that the State government had given them for doing so (we''re talking hundreds of thousands of dollars). They only found out about it when many of the residents were getting sick, because apparently the chemicals were poisoning the land around the river, and people were growing their crops on it.

We didn''t usually go that close to the factory, because it was pretty far away from our houses (we''re talking a couple miles least an hour''s walk), but one day we were feeling particularly adventurous and decided to see what we could find up there.

Once we got close to it, we could see it would be hard to get inside. Everything was locked off, there was barbed wire everywhere, and the whole place was covered in "No Trespassing" signs.

Of course, those factors only helped to pique our curiosity, and a few locks and barbed wire weren''t about to stop us (typical 9-year-old logic was at work here, as you can tell).

We scouted around the building looking for a way in. Just when we were about to conclude that we were out of luck, Trevor noticed an opening at the side of the building facing the river. A large grate over a drainage valve (probably about 2-3 feet in diameter) looked like it had almost completely rusted away, and the opening was just big enough for us to crawl through.

Trevor went in first, and I followed behind him. It was really dark inside, so I had no idea if we''d hit a dead end or actually get inside, but to our luck it opened up into a large interior basin, that was fully uncovered and basically gave us access to the entire interior of the factory.

Surprisingly, there wasn''t much going on inside. It had been almost completely cleared out, leaving nothing but a bare floor and featureless walls. There were scraps of garbage here and there, but nothing really of interest.

We started going from room to room, seeing what we could find. Eventually things were getting boring so we decided to split up and just fool around. After a while I found some old bits of scrap metal and started throwing them at light fixtures and windows, causing glass to shatter everywhere. I was far enough away that all the shards weren''t landing near me, but it certainly wasn''t helping to make the place any safer. Looking back, this was especially troubling because we didn''t really have an optimal way of getting out. All the doors were still locked, meaning we''d have to climb back out of that pipe. If anyone got hurt, we could literally die in here and nobody would ever know.

As I was throwing more stuff at the windows, I heard Trevor yell for me. I ran over down some steps and through some rooms, to find him in a small enclosure that looked like a generator room. There was a big engine-type thing in the middle, and lots of pipes leading in and out of it. Trevor was standing over a hole in the back corner. There was a lid on the ground next to him that he had obviously pulled off of it. The hole was completely dark, except for a small set of ladder rungs leading down.

Being as afraid of the dark as I was, I wasn''t about to climb down the hole, I dared Trevor to do it. In fact, I double-dog dared him. Luckily, he wasn''t as cowardly as I was. To him, this presented a challenge. He gladly started climbing down the hole, telling me that he''d yell if he needed help and that I had to promise to come down and help him if that happened. I accepted, although I had no intention of ever doing so.

As he went down, I made sure to keep talking to him so that I knew exactly what was going on. The hole was pretty deep, but he was yelling up loudly enough for me to hear his descriptions of what was happening.

Once he got down, he told me that the floor was wet and that it was really cold. He couldn''t see anything but he could feel some wires leading along the wall. Suddenly, to my (our) surprise, a light went on down there. He said he found a switch but I had a hard time believing that because, as I mentioned, the building had been abandoned for a decade. There shouldn''t have been any power. Not that I was really a master of logic or deduction at that age, but I knew something was odd about there still being electricity down there.

At least now I could see down the hole. It looked about 20 feet deep. Trevor peered up at me and waved, telling me I should come down to see the room for myself.

Even though there was a light on down there, I was still a bit nervous about climbing down. Now that I could see the bottom, my fear of the dark was being replaced by my fear of heights. However, after a few minutes of pleading with me, Trevor convinced me to climb down and so I did.

When I got to the bottom, I saw that we were in a really tiny room, about 6''x6''x6''. That''s smaller than your average jail cell. The walls were lined with hundreds of wires and tubes, leading (it seemed) in circles. On closer inspection, though, we saw that there were small holes drilled in the walls that the wires led into.

I looked up at the ceiling and noticed that, besides the hole leading to the room above and the light bulb hanging from the center, there were all sorts of little things screwed into it. I wasn''t sure what they were for, but they looked like the types of metal hooks you hang picture frames off of. They didn''t seem to have any purpose up there. It just looked like someone took a whole bunch of them and screwed them up into the dirt (the room had a dirt ceiling and concrete walls/floor). Only one of the hooks had something hanging off of it. It was right in the corner, slightly out of sight, and hanging off of it was a little piece of paper.

I looked at the paper, and there were a few words written on it, but they weren''t in English from what I could tell (my vocabulary wasn''t too big at that age, so I figured they were either English words I didn''t know, or words of another language). A moment later I noticed that there were more of these little scraps of paper all over the floor, obscured by the thin layer of muddy slush covering the cement bottom.

Trevor and I both scoured them all, trying to see if they said anything we could read, but they were all illegible.

As we looked for more of these bits of paper, we noticed that there was a crack in the floor in the shape of a large circle. Well, it wasn''t just a was more like the floor was separated by that line, as if we were standing on a large round peg that was fit perfectly into a large round hole.

There were also some grooves carved into the floor, that looked like they were meant to be used as grips in order to twist the circle we were standing on. We tried standing outside of the circle, and pulling on them with all of our might, but we were just two little kids and this "lid" or whatever it was probably weighed hundreds of pounds.

That''s when we found the second switch.

It was slightly obscured by a mess of wires, and there was a metal cap over someone had tried to prevent it from being turned on. But, the cap was quite rusted and with a little bit of force we managed to break it off.

There were a few wires leading out of the switch, and I wanted to wait and see if we could find where they led before we pressed it, but Trevor didn''t have that kind of patience and he flicked it. That''s the moment when the light bulb in the tiny room started to flicker and we heard a loud groaning noise coming from the engine in the room above us. We both froze. I flicked the switch off again, but I guess it was too late, because we had already started some mechanical process and the engine sounded like it was powering up. About a minute later, we heard it turn over once. Then again. Then again. Then it really started to roar.

There wasn''t much we could do at that point, except either climb out or wait, and I think we were both too scared to try and make an exit. One thing that I noticed, as the engine continued turning over, was that the muddy water on the floor below us started to drain out somehow.

After about 30 full seconds of the engine roaring at full speed, it stopped quite abruptly. The light bulb above us stopped flickering, and we were left in silence once again. Now that water was no longer obscuring the floor, though, we noticed that there was a large shape carved into the center of it. It looked like a large letter "V" surrounded by little dots. We also noticed that the circular "lid" that was in the center of the floor seemed a bit loose now, because we could see it moving a little when we adjusted our weight on it.

Grabbing the notches carved into it like we had before, we pulled on it. This time, the whole thing twisted quite easily. As we twisted it around and around it seemed to be lowering downward, as if it were a giant screw. After it had shifted about a foot lower, it stopped and we could no longer turn it.

At first we were both kind of puzzled, and looked at each other like..."that''s it?", but then Trevor noticed something carved out inside the interior wall of the cylindrical hole that the big screw was sitting in. It was a little hole, about 2 inches high, and something was inside. I reached in and pulled the thing out, that was inside. It appeared to be a test tube full of black liquid, with a rubber cap on the end. All over the test tube, in permanent marker, were the same types of foreign words we had seen on the scraps of paper hanging from the ceiling.

Anyways, at that point this was all getting to be a bit much for me, and I could tell Trevor was looking a bit frightened as well. I put the test tube in my pocket and we made our way back up the small hole, into the engine room. It felt good getting back into the open, as that small room below was quite claustrophobic.

Trevor put the lid back on the hole (unfortunately we forgot to turn the light off, and neither of us wanted to go back down), and we made our way back into the larger, open area of the factory.

Sitting down on the floor (away from all the glass I had broken earlier), we decided to take a closer look at the test tube. I pulled it out of my pocket, and we held it up to the light coming in through the windows to get a better look at it.

Inside was a completely black fluid of some sort. It looked a lot like motor oil, except it had the consistency of water. Trevor kept telling me to keep my hand still because the liquid kept moving around, but I told him that wasn''t me. I even put the tube down, and we both watched as the liquid shifted back and forth on its own.

There seemed to be something within the liquid itself. Like, some kind of white tube or something. It looked like a maggot, except it was covered in little barbs.

Trevor insisted we should open it, but I was feeling really uneasy about the whole thing. Neither of us knew what was inside, and the fact that this little tube was so hidden deep inside the factory meant it probably wasn''t something to be toyed with. Plus whatever was inside just looked gross.

Trevor didn''t like that plan of action though, and he tried to take the tube away from me. At first he sort of just jokingly grabbed at it but after he realized I really wasn''t going to hand it to him, he jumped towards me and tried to rip it out of my hands.

That''s when I lost control of it. Unfortunately, so did he. The tube fell to the ground and shattered on the floor--black liquid and little chunks of glass splattering all over. I have a hard time remembering what happened next, because the moment the tube opened, an ear piercing noise filled the room that was so loud it made my eyes water. It sounded like a tea kettle whistling, only about 10 times louder. Trevor fell to the ground screaming and that''s when I noticed that some of the liquid had gotten on my pant leg and was eating right through it. In an instant I also realized that some had gotten on Trevor''s skin because he was shaking on the ground, grasping at his face. I had no idea what happened to that little barbed thing inside the tube at the point, nor did I really care. As I tried to help Trevor up (with the loud sound still ripping through the room), I noticed that the rest of the black liquid that had spilled on the floor seemed to be...moving (?) towards him. Not really in any kind of intelligent way. Just moving the same way liquid moves when its rolling off a slanted surface--except the floor we were on was totally flat. I dragged him a few feet away, unfortunately, he was still screaming and fairly incapacitated. I hadn''t seen the damage to his face yet, but my pants were now covered in all sorts of little holes where drips of the liquid had splashed up on them.

That''s when I heard the sirens outside. I found out later that someone who had been fishing in the river nearby had called the police when they heard windows breaking inside the old factory. Thank god they did.

I started screaming for help, banging on the closest door I could find. It seemed like forever, but after a while someone with bolt cutters opened one of the doors and the police came inside. By that time the loud whistling noise was dying down, and they could hear my yelling.

The police officers that entered were both wearing gas masks, and I could see a firetruck and two ambulances pulling up alongside the building from the window. I pointed at Trevor and before I knew it we were both getting carried out of there, lifted up onto stretchers, and hauled away in separate ambulances. One thing I did notice, though, was that a dark blue car pulled up as we were leaving. On the side of the car was the same "V" logo that we had seen in that tiny room earlier. I didn''t see much more after that because the doors of the ambulance were quickly shut and in a few minutes we were on the road.

Despite the intensity of the whole affair, it wasn''t really spoken about that much after that point. Both Trevor and I spent a few days in the hospital (actually, for Trevor it was more like a couple of weeks), and eventually we were sent home with clean bills of health. The only damage I really incurred was a few tiny scars on my legs. Trevor had the worst of it, as his upper lip was severely burned and so was a spot right under his left eye. But, within a few weeks the blisters were reduced to scars, and within a few months, the scars had almost completely faded.

I still played with Trevor after that, although we never spoke about what had happened. Later that year the factory building was condemned, and destroyed. I thought it was strange that my parents never asked us what we were doing in there, or what had gone on. It wasn''t until years later that I learned my father had been on the original committee that petitioned for the factory''s closing, and that prior to his position on that committee, he had worked inside of it for a short period of time.

Upon learning that information, I no longer wondered why he had a series of bizarre scars on his left arm, which had been there for as long as I could remember, or why he would never tell me how he got them.

I believe I was 8 when this happened, but every detail is vivid to this day. I went to bed one night and drank half a glass of water, leaving the other half full. You know how some people take a little while to go to sleep? I''m one of those people. So I laid there a few minutes trying to shut my eyes but couldn''t resist the temptation of opening them every once in a while. I slept with my feet towards the headboard back then as well. When my eyes started feeling drowsy my vision was towards my closet, which I leave open to this day. I saw movement along the edges of my dark closet, but the fan was on so I assumed it was just my clothes waving. Of course, it was dark and my parents didn''t get home until later that morning, so I went to bed alone at home. My door was always cracked open before going to sleep. When my eyes finally shut, I woke up quickly to a sort of movement along my bed. I was particularly tired that night so when it stopped suddenly, I just went back to sleep within seconds.
However, this time I only opened my eyes once and saw a figure hovering above my head. I fell asleep helplessly. I had a dream about being in a church that was tinted red everywhere and with no one inside but me and a guy with a black robe. I dare not say priest. The man in the black robe moved backwards without turning his body around, sort of like a gliding moonwalk movement. I was at the entrance, straight from the altar. As he eased towards me I began puking out blood and was brought to my knees. The man in the black robe turned his head 180 degrees while keeping the body perfectly still. The crackling noise it made was unbearable, My ears shriveled and I began crying blood, all while I was still puking. The man''s face was empty and a moment passed before I stopped puking. I looked up and saw that he had his right hand rising. His palm faced me and it seemed to be a normal man''s hand, but through the creases of his hand, eyeballs popped with blood at the corners.
Each eye was tinted a different red and as I looked into the largest one in the middle of his palm, I fell under a daze and the next thing I remember is waking up in an island of grass with a road around me forming a circle and cars zooming by at light speed. Everything was still tinted red. I panicked and ran across the street hoping to get to the other side, and for a moment I felt as if I would make it. I looked over the edge and found that nothing by red sky existed outside of the circle. So I jumped. I blacked out and woke up back on the island of grass. This time, I saw stairs taller than a mountain and I couldn''t see where it lead to, but it had to be better than the circle. So I ran again, but was hit viciously by a car and I was flung to the edge of the stairs. I held on for my life and managed to pull myself back up. I found a bruise on my upper hip where I was directly hit. Blood flowed in enormous amount. My body felt as if I was being torn apart.
I tried climbing the stares on my hands and knees. Reaching what seemed to be the end, I made my way into a red cloud. It was there that I saw nothing but pure red. I couldn''t even see my own body''s detail. I was a silhouette of my former self. I saw black figure approaching me. It was once again the man in the black robe. He stared at me with the eyes in his hand and his head turned back around. The eyes began closing one by one, smallest to largest. The very last eye peered into my skin and ripped the blackness off. I could see myself again. But everything was still red. So I ran and ran, hoping to find something. And so i did. I found hopelessness. It was in the form of an item, a material I can''t describe, but I know what it was. I know how it feels. The texture, the smell, the sound of hopelessness. I reached for it, hoping to destroy it. It was then that I awoke. I was feint and drowsy still. My eyes drifted to my glass of water. It was missing.
I realized then that my door was no longer cracked open, it was shut completely. I tried lifting my hand but I couldn''t move it. I couldn''t move anything. I felt a moistness on my wrist right wrist. I looked down extremely worried. Red. My bed was tainted red. The glass was beside me, spilled. Next to them were scissors, a knife, cotton, needles with some liquid still left inside, and a wound on my upper hip that was ripped open at least 5 inches in width, blood still gushing out.
I suffered from internal bleeding and died soon after my agonizing acceptance of death. My family held my funeral the day before. They stayed the night.

My fiances dad flips houses. about 4 years ago he was workin on this house it was really nice fairly large nice inground pool in the back that he kept up while he was workin on the place. we partied there quite a bit.

Me and a couple buddies decided to ask if we could set up in the basement for band practices and her dad gave us the ok.

So the first night around 11 pm were movin our equipment in and i go in thru the back to open the front door. So im standing in the living room area and i start to hear this pounding noise and i cant tell where exactly it was comin from and i start freakin out and i run out to the front and get the guys to come in and check the house with me. they were kinda laughing at me and we checked every room closet and nook and cranny and found no person or animal or anything.

So 2-3 weeks later my drummer buddy says he wants to go practice on the kit on one of our off nights. so i give him the key and he heads over. He calls me after about an hour freakin out and says that I gottta get over to the house quick cuz he said he was sittin outside by the pool and he heard banging noises coming from inside. Me and my g/f headed over and we all searched the place up and down and found nothin. So we all left that night. and we kept hearing wierd little noises here and there for a while but nothing loud or crazy.

Pretty much the wierdest part was one night we were all jammin in the basement and havin a good time. We played a quick improv jam and stopped and were talkin about it gettin ready to play back the recording when all of a sudden POW! on the floor above us. We all literally shit brix at that moment. we jus froze cuz this was a totally empty house with only the 3 of us there. then we went up and checked everything again looked outside to see if anyone showed up and was fucking with us but there was nothing it was just too wierd. we still talk about it and get the creeps.

I to niestety na tyle. Mialem jeszcze jedna historyjke w obrazku, ale forum sie zbugowalo i nie chce mi dac zuploadowac. Jesli ktos to teraz przeczytal to zycze dobrej nocy. :>

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Dnia 28.05.2010 o 23:10, Fumiko napisał:

Ech, moje (no prawie ;P) Katowice, duma i klejnot w koronie woj. Śląskiego, siedziba prestiżowych uczelni, prawdziwie akademickie miasto, pełne oświeconych studentów, mekka inteligencji, miasto, które winno być przykładem dla innych..


Dnia 28.05.2010 o 23:10, Fumiko napisał:

Tia... Ciekawe że przy takich sprawach w 90% przypadków w Polsce chodzi o jedną konkretną grę...

Hmm.. wiesz co, nie wiem czemu, ale spora część młodzieży (i jak widać nie tylko ona) jakoś dziwnie utknęła w średniowieczu MMO. Jest tyle lepszych gier, nawet darmowych, DDO choćby..
A jednak dla nich w większości przypadków Tibia i może Metin są szczytem wspaniałości MMO..
Sama powiedz - jakbyś się czuła gdybyś nie dość że całe życie nieba zobaczyć nie mogła (Tibia) to jeszcze była zewsząd atakowana przez jentelegentą część naszego społeczeństwa (STFU n00b !!oneoneone), obrażana przez doświadczonych i dojrzałych gracz,y z czego część już może nawet jest w 2 klasie gimnazjum..

Też by mi pewnie odbiło ;P

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Moze troche za szybko na kolejny tak dlugi post, ale chce to wkleic zanim to zniknie.

Porady zyciowe:

1. Buy stuff in bulk instead of buying it at a vending machine or news stand. You save money.

2. If you have an iPhone, jailbreak it and tether it to your laptop instead of paying 80 bucks
for high speed wireless. Also, if you have a laptop, look up how to use backtrack 3 to crack
wireless wep keys. And just call at&t and cancel your 3G plan all together, then you can use wifi
on your iPhone.

3. If you''re paying for your internet and text messaging on your iPhone. Get rid of text messaging,
you can use your email to send text messages to people using
or etc. (u nas tez tak mozna - przyp. abom.)

4. Instead of renting, pay to buy a home. Then fix up your home and resell it for twice the price.

5. Instead of driving or paying to own a car, ride a bike. You''ll save money on insurance, repairs,
and gas. The bike will let you exercise while you''re going places and you''ll save time by not having
to go to the gym.

6. If you want to go to the gym, go swimming instead. You burn more calories that way.
over 9000. If you buy a car, buy a hybrid or something that runs on electricity.You save more money
on gas.

8. Invest in solar panels, the price for them has come down.

9. Get an uninterrupted power supply at costco. A certain brand kicks in occasionally, to save you money
on electricity. You save about 60 bucks a year.

10. Date older women who have more experience, they have more money and are less likely to leave.

11. If you need to cheat on your girlfriend, come up with a fake nickname and use your middle name as
your last name (in case you DO have an encounter with you and her and your real gf). Use a fake email,
and a fake phone number (yes, cheating is expensive if you do not want to get caught, think Dexter on Showtime).

12. If you want to get a girl who is out of your league or super hot, pretend to be Mormon or Christian or any
kind of hard to follow religion and go to their church and meet women there. You can later, be less religious
and the woman is less likely to leave you.

13. Never tell car rental places you''re going out of state and say you''re staying inside your state, otherwise
they charge you interstate travel taxes, also tell them to let you use your own insurance if you already have
it, you''ll save about $30.

14. Eat more complex carbs and proteins instead of starchy foods and ramen. You''ll have more energy during the day and can function better.

15. If you have trouble reading books. Get books on tape and play them at 4 times their speed on your iPhone or
iPod or while swimming (get a waterproof kit).

16. Do ab exercises during the day even while you''re at work. Just flex them throughout the day and you''ll be
ripped much much faster.

17. When buying something, think of wether you''ll have it in 4 years. You''ll save money that way.

18. Read 4chan''s message boards (w wersji dla was moje posty :X) for threads like this and suck up as much info as you can. If you don''t see a
life-hack thread, start one.

19. Look for porn on boards like this instead of having to look for it for hours. People usually post the best
they''ve already disovered.

20. Never be afraid to ask. One answered question can avoid hours of searching.

21. Think robots. Use as much automated machinery as home as you can. For example, get an iRobot vacuum cleaner
that vacuums while you''re away. Time is money. In some areas it cheaper to have a maid who cooks, cleans,
and goes to the store, instead of doing those thigns yourself.

22. Wear boxers. Wearing briefs makes your balls not produce as much sperm and you can run into all kinds of problems.

23. If you''re circumsized, pull on your skin frequenly to extend the nerves you have lost when you got cut.
If you''re uncircumsed, wash your PENIS frequently.

24. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Total and Crest have long lasting protection that will keep you
from having decay for 12 hours. Get an electric toothbrush. Electric toothbrushes are at least twice as
effective as regular brushing, if not more.

25. Cats are stress relievers, if you own one, you''ll have lower levels of stress (I personally don''t care
for pets).

26. Consider a different point of view before making a decision. Pretend you''re a different person like say...
Tyler Durden and his significant other. You''ll get more shit done that way and know what you''ll really want.

27. If you can build it at home or prepare it, why buy it?

28. "The things you own end up owning you." Don''t be afraid to throw out something you don''t really need.
Do a yard sale or sell stuff on ebay. If no one is buying it, it''s time to give it away or just throw it out.

29. Eventually everything is going to be done by robots. Don''t work at a job where you''re not happy nor
doing what you want. In the future, a robot or software program will replace you anyway (I''m serious).
Study hard to become a doctor or artist to create things or do things no one else can do.

30. Even though 4chan is aggressive, 4chan is very knowledgable and is like 40 000 minds put together,
ask honest opinions, and you''ll get them 33% of the time. Sort through bullshit.

31. Experiment with technology to become more knowledgable. For exmaple, get a screw driver and open
every electronic device in the house, just to see how it works. It never hurts to have a general idea.
Put them back together afterwards. I once fixed my USB hub on my monitor, just by opining it up and
soldering a lose connection back together. Saved me about 400 bucks.

32. Use credit cards instead of cash, I recommend having an account with Etrade. they give you free
checks and the money market works as a checking account and you get interest, plus you can use that money to
immediately invest in stocks and immediately sell and use that money on the etrade card. Use an American
Express or Discover card with 5% cashback. Might as well be earning money, while you spend. Always pay off
yoru credit cards. Never invest in cheap stocks. Invest in companies that are doing well, like Apple and
Google or Starbucks.

33. Eat lots of fish, vegetables, chicken, whole grains. Look at the package before you buy it. Eating too
many chalories will make you fat and slow you down. Figure out how the food pyramid works and stock your
fridge and storage accordingly.

34. Don''t have too many female friends. Women cost money. Have one good female friend, but keep track of
how much you are spending on her. If you spend too much, it''s time to dump her. Be straight forward and
tell her she''s too expensive to be around. Hold your ground and be assertive, you run your own life.

35. Don''t be pushed around anywhere, get a third opinion, if someone is tricking you into signing a
contract or buying something, see through it and stop right there and ask for a copy of the contract.
Read everything before you buy.

36. If you''re being charged an early termination fee from an internet company, here''s how to get around
most of them: Tell them you''re moving to a state where they don''t service the area. Do a little research.
It can save you $200-400.

37. When buying a car, check what all the extra fees are. There are up to 18 extra fees that can be
around $100 to $500 each (most of which you can avoid). Do not buy a car with more than 9% interest
(used or refurbished). Do not buy a new car for more than 2% interest.

38. Never make yourself look like a fool. Make controlled moves when around people. More chicks
will dig you if you''re confident and know what you want.

39. Smiling (even forcefully) suppresses the gag reflex.

40. if you feel a gag or vomit comin on after you take a still won''t feel
much better, but you will not gag or vomit.

41. If you get a brainfreeze hold your tounge on the roof of your mouth. Theres a cluster of veins
near the roof of your mouth that feed the brain. Getting them too cold too quick is what causes the
brainfreeze sensation. Putting your tounge up there will heat it back up faster and kill the freeze.

42. A command will result in more people doing what you want then a simple question.

43. You know how you think everyone are a bunch of sheep? Well it''s actually true...

44. "Give me your phone number" has a far higher success rate than "Can I have your phone number?"

45. if you need to defeat a retinal scan you cannot remove the eye from targets head. Loss of blood
pressure changes the shape of the eye and wont be recognized by the scanner. Its best for them to
be alive or killed in manner where the blood pressure will dissipate slowly.

46. Bacteria that cause tooth decay, acne, tuberculosis, and leprosy can be cured with cashews. (orzechy nerkowca przyp. abom.)

47. Here''s a little psychology trick, it''s called anchoring mental states.You want to make girl smile?
Try this out. Once you start talking to the girl and you have her in a conversation try to notice her
breathing pattern. Try and inhale and exhale at the same time she does. (don''t make it obvious, and it
takes some practice)Next, wiggle your left hand fingers anytime she smiles while you are talking to her.
Eventually, you will have anchored her smile and her mental state to the wiggling of your fingers. Every
time you wiggle she will return to that mental state. NOTE: you don''t have to use wiggling. You can pretty
much use any subtle move. Try using the left side of your body though. ALSO, if you have the balls, instead
of creating an anchor with your own body, use hers. Touch her left shoulder every time she smiles or laughs.

48. With EVERYONE, mimic someones breathing, talking patterns, and body language and they are almost guaranteed
to start liking you. the sooner you do this the better. Also, don''t make it obvious that you''re doing this...

49. Practice every day being Vincent Vega or a pirate. You will like the results.
I mimic speech patterns subconsciously.

50. I a,m also quite a people person and liked by most everyone I talk to. I never new that
mimicking people in subtle ways actually had an effect like that

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Dnia 29.05.2010 o 04:54, DemoBytom napisał:

Też by mi pewnie odbiło ;P

Wiesz co, właśnie się zastanawiam gdzie skutek a gdzie przyczyna. Znaczy czy wariują od Tibii czy Tibia przyciąga szurniętych...

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