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  1. White-One

    Soldner - problemy techniczne

    if you still get problems with the cd key, plz contact me in the official forum! via pm and i can check your key
  2. White-One

    Soldner - problemy techniczne

    Is the game running fine for everybody now?
  3. White-One

    Soldner - problemy techniczne

    Translation pLease: ok guys this night i finished my work on the polish version! this is the way how to make this **** soldner version run! 1. go to SSW/portal and start the jwdcom.exe 2. go to SSW/game/content/data/Xml and delete all files inside the directory xml, but DONT delete the directory Xml! 3. start soldner and have fun! CU on the killingfields W-O (Project-Zero Development)
  4. White-One

    Soldner - problemy techniczne

    Hi, I hope someone can translate what I write! I am from Project-Zero, the development team of Soldner. I tested a lot of things about the polish version, here is one solution how to fix your problem! 1. Start this file D:/jowood/ssw/portal/jwdcom.exe 2. NOW start soldner and you should be able to create an online account 3. You may have another problem while joining a server "knife_damage", but this error i will figure out till weekend! Greetz W-O (Project-Zero Development Team)