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Warhammer 40k DoW, Winter Assault, Dark Crusade i Soulstorm

24392 postów w tym temacie

Dnia 04.09.2008 o 20:51, moonman napisał:

a jak to wygladało w premierowych wydaniach?

Jak było z podstawką i z SS''em to nie wiem (DoW z świątecznej promocji, a SS''a nie posiadam), ale w WA i DC nic poza płytkami/płytką, instrukcją, "talonem" na wPLN oraz gazetką z ofertą CD-Projectu nie było.

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Dnia 04.09.2008 o 20:51, moonman napisał:

BTW: czy w premierowych wydaniach były drukowane drzewka rozwoju?
w UNIWERSUM są dla podstawki i winter assault, dla DC oraz SS niestety nie ma
a jak to wygladało w premierowych wydaniach?

Dalibóg, jeśli pamiętam, były w PDFach, więc dla chcących "Zrób to sam". ;) Ale tylko dla podstawki i Wintera, w późniejszych nie było podobnych gadżetów dla nowszych ras (o aktualizacjach drzewek ras wcześniejszych nie wspominając ;)

W sumie to i tak się dziwię że te drzewka dołączono, skoro po każdym patchu balansującym (jak wiadomo, szczególnie po tym słynnym, megaważnym patchu do SSa :>) te drzewka stawały się...err, troszkę nienabieżąco. ;)

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czy kampania WA na normalu jest rownie prosta jak w normal w podstawce?
jesli tak, to poziom oczko wyżej - jest znacznie trudniejszy? (pytam o kampanie w WA)

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Dnia 08.09.2008 o 23:33, moonman napisał:

czy kampania WA na normalu jest rownie prosta jak w normal w podstawce?

Powiem tak: mapy (misje) są w WA o WIELE większe i dłuższe, a co za tym idzie trudniejsze. Porównując do Dawn of War, to podstawka jest banalnie prosta, a dopiero w WA zaczyna się prawdziwa zabawa.

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Kupiłem kilka dni temu DoW, ale dzisiaj dopiero zainstalowałem i bardzo mi się podoba, tylko, że ciągnę na średnich detalach i trochę grafika uboga...

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Dnia 11.09.2008 o 14:58, PJ MW napisał:

Kupiłem kilka dni temu DoW, ale dzisiaj dopiero zainstalowałem i bardzo mi się podoba,
tylko, że ciągnę na średnich detalach i trochę grafika uboga...

W końcu ta gra pierwszą młodość ma już za sobą.

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Dnia 12.09.2008 o 14:11, Draxvoxdor napisał:

Ale pierwsza część czy SS? Bo DoW mi najwyższych chodził i bardzo ładny był. Ale SS już
na średnio/niskich, choć zmiany są kosmetyczne -.-

Silnik ten sam, z, jak już zauważyłeś kosmetyką niemal niezauważalną. I teraz sytuacja wygląda tak:
DoW -> WA - poprawiono mocno optymalizację (na óczesnym sprzęcie moim dopiero od WA mogłem grać bo DoW mi się ciął) -> DC - marginalny spadek wydajności (raczej?) -> SS - armageddon - zemsta praktykanta informatyki za niezaliczenie pratyk - ogromny krok w tył i partolenie wszystkiego co stanie na drodze - silnik zamiast podrasować/usprawnić/zoptymalizować rozwalono... Pociecha jest taka że teraz i tak większość kompów to dzwiga bez dramatu, ale gdyby SS w takiej formie wyszło te 4 lata temu... apokalipsa........

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Nie no super. Gramy sobie 2v2, eld+mr. eld vs sm+ sob. Rozwalił bym ich bez problemu ale...
1. Na początku sobie cisnął icon buga i nasyłał w cholerę wojska, ale jakoś to przeżyłem.
2. Wywalił teammata(rozwalił mu all budynki), cheater... ale i to przeżyłem i bym obu rozwalił
3. Nagle bach, miałem 2000 req i 3000 ene i zrobiło mi się po 200 obu -.-
I weź tu graj z takimi debilami...

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Dnia 13.09.2008 o 11:16, RafiXxx napisał:

Moze mi ktos powiedziec jak stoi sprawa z patchem bo wywalilem SS i nie jestem w temacie:p

Będzie w Lipcu.

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Pacz powinien wyjsc w tym miesiacu, jesli wszystko pojdzie dobrze i kierownictwo go nie wstrzyma. Bedzie fixowal bugi i zapewne zawieral poprawki kosmetyczne balansu(1-3 dla kazdej rasy). Tyle od goscia z ''balastimu''.

Poprawki beda w wiekszosci z tych sugerowanych przez santiego, nie wszystkie beda uwzglednione(np vehpop bonus avatara prawie na pewno zostanie) i niekoniecznie w tym ksztalcie:

Decrease repair cost across the board, make all units that has 75% repair cost repair at 50% cost instead. There needs to be an incentive for races other than eldar to actually repair their injured vehicles.


GL cults: Needs to be nerfed somehow, I''d prefer a nerf that doesn''t really change their effectiveness too much though, something like increasing the cost by 5 power or capping them at 2/squad before HW upgrade should nerf the GL cult -> vehicles -> T3 build without killing GL cults as a viable support unit in T1.5 and onwards.

Hell Talon: Overall too durable while having amazing anti-vehicle/building damage. Can chase down light vehicles with impunity most of the time due to their speed too. I''d suggest both a nerf to hp and a small nerf to the AV/AB damage. Something like 500hp nerf (will still have 2500) and maybe a 10% nerf to vehicle/building entries.

Dark Eldar

Reaver Jetbike: Needs a nerf >.> At the very least a buildtime nerf so that they become less massable. Lowering the initial vehicle pop a DE has is also a possibility. Maybe increase the cost of the Haemonculus Lab by 25req or so to delay the bikes a bit as well, reduce the cost of the Hall of Blood to compensate for the added cost to HoB builds.

Hellions: A bit too durable which makes the jetbikes extra deadly, could do with a slight hp decrease in T1, 25-50hp somewhere.

Make it so that gruesome display activates detection in a radius around the building: I like this suggestion, giving DE the option to make a static building that can detect would give them some more options against eldar early game, I wouldn''t mind if the radius was large enough to spot rangers.

Crucible of Malediction: Chains of Torment on steroids. Needs some kind of nerf. Possible ones being lower duration, higher recharge time or moving it to T3.

Scourges: DE struggles against AoE disruption/morale breaking vehicles such as defilers/hellfires/vypers. I suspect that this is due to the fact that the scourges has a rather long broken_min_time of 10 seconds, putting it at 5 seconds would really help DE cope with these units.

Raiders: In T2 DE faces a dilemma. They need raiders to hide their warriors in (because otherwise vehicles wipes them out in seconds) but at the same time they need to get some AV out, usually in the form of scourges. The raider is a rather decent AV vehicle but nothing special and is a bit fragile, upping the AV damage with 10% or so would help DE against fast vehicles of the lighter kind like chimeras/HHs/falcons/landspeeders/trukks and the like while getting scourges.


Avatar: I fail to see the reason why Eldar gets an extra 10 pop end-game when the other races does not. It''s not like Eldar has weaker vehicles, and it''s not as if their super-unit uses vehicle pop. If anything the races with vehicle super-units should get a vehicle pop increase, not eldar >.> Remove the vehicle pop increase.

Banshees: Needs some loving early game where they struggle. I''d start with reducing the cost of the banshee stone to 25 or so to encourage mixing your army. Reduce cost of CtW to 75/75 and reduce time to research from 60->40 once gain to encourage a mixed army, clogging down your SS for a full minute to get CtW which only buffs your banshee''s is a bit too much. Alternatively you can put it at 75/75 and 60 seconds and make it a research in the AP that becomes researchable in T2 if banshee aspect stone has been done in that AP.

Webways: Make them require HQ to be build, this fixes the issue with eldar hiding webways in larger games which prolongs the game even though the eldar has no chance of winning.

Warp Spiders: The 3 squads of WS in T2.5 with great ranged damage, good hp and two teleports is a gamebreaker in more than one matchup. If possible code-wise I''d like to have WS capped at 2 squads in T2.5 and have them regain the third squad cap in T3.

Rangers: Too strong early game and a nightmare for capping units, decrease damage by a blanket 10%, give the cappers a chance to run away. Keep morale damage as it is, needed to fight against FW mass and whatnot.

Warlock: Needs to give some buff pre-mysticism, a small 5% damage buff would help eldar a in fending off the mass slugga rushes and would make 3 guardian/FS openers more plausible.

FS: A slight cost reduction might be in order to help diversify the eldar opening strats, nothing major and absolutely not making FoF + FS doable without a gen, maybe 220/80 instead of 240/80, would also make it easier for eldar to rebuild the FS after losing it.

Reapers: The early reapers is a bit of a problem with their high damage output and mobility, but at the same time it''s hard to nerf their damage because of certain matchups. I''d suggest a 25 cost increase on their stone to slightly nerf the instant-reapers builds. AKA: learn to use other units eldars! xD

Imperial Guard

Vehicle Pop: Where did those extra 4 vehicle pop for IG come from? Get rid of them asap, now IG doesn''t have to build a 2nd building until late-game to spam HHs and crap :/

IG Econ: A bit too strong and easy to mass up a good econ early game. I''d suggest increasing the LP2 cost to 100/60 or 100/65 even to slow down the LP2 econ massing a bit. A mid game IG can reach kinda filthy econs with their better globals and cheap LP2s.

Kasrkins: NERF THE NADE ALREADY >.> Dunno how many times I''ve said it. Either reduce the radius by a hefty amount or increase the cooldown time, atleast twice as long cooldown, maybe even three times as long as it currently is. Instabreak of pretty much every unit in the game combined with massive disruption that makes the basilisk look obsolete.


Forbidden Artifact: The NL and the forbidden artifact is a vital part of keeping necron from being overrun, I''d prefer reducing the Forbidden Artifacts cost with 50 power over doing any risky buffs to necron economy. Earlier artifacts = stronger NL = viable necron in a lot of matchups.

Monolith: With the nerf to the necron economy it became a bit too hard to reach a second mono, and necrons needs that second unit production building in a lot of cases to stay competitive. I''d suggest reducing the cost of the second monolith with 50 power to make it more feasible.

Necron power globals: With the nerfed economy of necron the power globals are pretty much unattainable for necron in SS1.0 while the other race can with ease get req/power globals. The cost reductions to Forbidden Artifact and second Monolith will help some but I''d suggest reducing the power global costs from the current T2: 400 power, T3: 600 power to T2: 350 power and T3: 550 power, a reduction with 50 power each.


stormboys: Too massable, give them a squad tax of 10 or 20 req. Some nerf to the speed boost ability might also be in order since it allows them to wipe out normalspeed ranged armies in short order, increase cost to research it to 50/50 and increase the cooldown with 10 seconds or so as well.

Grots infiltration: Increase cost to something around 50/20 or 50/30. Too cheap for its effectiveness early game where a grot squad can keep a decent sized force from taking down an ork LP2 by repairing it.

Big Mek: Increase cooldown of the teleport by 10-15 seconds to reduce the frequency of the mek jumping in and taking on capping squads and similar situations, would force the ork player to be more careful about using his ports. Also increase his cost to 200/50 to slightly delay the ork econ in the beginning, as it is most ork builds lets you start building LPs straight away and a small nerf will cascade a bit to make it worthwhile.

Nobs: A bit too good at basebashing. They are an excellent meatshield unit and good at tying up enemy ranged units and decent at fighting other melee units, but when combined with a trukk they harass too well. Decrease anti-building dps by 10% or so.

Trukks: A bit too spammable as it is, increase build speed by 5 secs or so. You can get a few too many of them too fast due to the ork pop system.

Sisters of Battle

Seraphs: Could use some small nerf early game, not 100% sure what at this point. A squad tax is possible but I''d prefer if it was only req and no power to not limit the amount of seraphs you can get out with a no-gen build since this is currently a SoBs best bet in most matchups.

Canoness: The inferno pistol is a very potent weapon and when used in combination with seraphims (force enemy to run and seraphs chase them down, if enemy tries to CC canoness you retreat and have the seraphs fire while retreating) even more so. SoB is also probably the marine based race which most often gets an early armory, it''s more common to see the Canoness with inferno cannon than FC/CL with PPs. I''d suggest a slight nerf by increasing inferno pistol research to 50/30 cost.

Give some faith income to sister based armies. As it is seraph opener is the only way if you want a decent faith income early game. I''d suggest slightly lowering the faith a seraph generates and giving normal sisters an extremely small amount of faith generation, if you go with a sister based army pretty much the only faith income you have is from your canoness. Another alternative would be nerfing seraph faith generation somewhat but giving LPs with the faith upgrade same faith generation.

Space marines

Smite: Increase cooldown by 15-20 seconds or so. Can wipe out multiple squads of low-health units, atleast make it so that it doesn''t happen too often.


Fire Warriors: Fire Warrior mass when it hits critical mass is still too strong. I''d suggest capping shas''ui/shield drone at one each. It would make melee units more of a plausible counter when a T2 tau can''t just throw a heap of nades on them and wipe them all out, and it would reduce the total dps output of a FW mass slightly in T2. I would also like to see a small nerf to FWs commander damage to make it a bit more plausible to meatshield the T1 mass FWs with the commander when moving your army in to fight, something like 15% nerf to commander armor only would be nice, maybe a small 5% nerf overall to other infantry types as well.

Kroot Shaper: Kroots in Tier 1 is fine. Kroots in T2 and onwards struggles a bit, what better way to fix that than to make the kroot shaper into something actually useful? First off, the kroot shaper isn''t really a bad mini-hero. It''s just that the long buildtime (30s, the slowest building mini-hero in the game) and high cost (100/50 each) makes them rather lackluster to go for, it just takes too long from the moment that the tau gets tier 2 until he can get a kroot shaper out. I''d suggest either cutting the kroot shaper buildtime to 20 seconds or make the kroot nest buildable in T1 (with shaper grayed out until T2), the cost could probably be dropped to 80/50 or something as well. I would also like to see the kroot shaper add a damage bonus to the squad he is attached to. Something like 10% or so, possibly reduce the damage of kroot hounds by the same to compensate since they are already a massive damage dealer.

Kroots: So, I buffed the shaper, does anything need to be done about the kroots? I am now going to confuse you by suggesting a nerf to them. When fully eaten and with a kroot shaper attached and the ethereal out kroots has the highest hp/cost in the whole game. By quite a large margin. I''d suggest lowering the max amount of hp a kroot can eat from corpses by around 50hp. This would still leave kroots as the best hp/cost unit in the game but with a little bit less margin >:3

Vespids: Making gen builds hopeless for a lot of enemy races is fun. Jump in, bash gen in 2 seconds, jump out. Have them start with destabilize (or shred or whatever the name of it is nowadays) at 0 charged. Nerf jump to 2.5 max. Slightly decreases taus harass of doom.

Barracuda: Glass cannon of doom, increase hp with 250, reduce damage of the missiles with 30%, at the very least. I''m gonna break my own "Don''t make large changes." in this case because the damage values on the barracuda is just obscene for a T2 vehicle.

EMP nade: The SS EMP nade is way too effective, being both AoE and long duration, making them effective at locking up both single strong vehicles and lumps of multiple weaker vehicles. Either remove/reduce radius or reduce the duration for the lock.

Byc moze bedzie jeszcz drugi pacz dopieszczajacy wszystko, ja osobiscie watpie i mam nadzieje ze tego nie wstrzymaja.

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czy w winter assault jest ten sam filmik co w podstawce - czy cos przekombinowalem z instalowaniem?
albo mi sie zdaje, albo Ci budowniczy GI maja speache jak budowniczy chaosu (?)

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Dnia 13.09.2008 o 20:01, moonman napisał:

czy w winter assault jest ten sam filmik co w podstawce - czy cos przekombinowalem z

Ten sam. W Dark Crusade jest już inny, ale niestety nie wstawka, tylko filmik na silniku gry :/

Dnia 13.09.2008 o 20:01, moonman napisał:

albo mi sie zdaje, albo Ci budowniczy GI maja speache jak budowniczy chaosu (?)

Nope :)

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Dnia 16.09.2008 o 12:00, moonman napisał:

ma może ktoś wyciągniętą z gry przyśpiewkę orków w mp3
chodzi mi o to "orkz orkz orkz orkz..." :)

zajrzyj na mój gs i poszperaj w archiwum

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Dnia 16.09.2008 o 12:12, Iroks1 napisał:

zajrzyj na mój gs i poszperaj w archiwum

znalazlem instrukcje tylko jak wyciagac dzwieki z gry...
chodzi mi tylko o ''orkz orkz...'', myslalem ze moze ktos juz gdzeis to wrzucil w mp3.

BTW: swietnie malujesz figurasy do WH40K :) szukam kogoś kto by mi pomalowal do runebounda :P

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