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Warhammer 40.000 Dawn of War 2 - pomysły, domysły i nadzieje... [M]

8729 postów w tym temacie

Wyrzuciło mnie z gry po około 1,5h grania. Znów to samo. Czy to możliwe, że jest to spowodowane tym, że komputer się przegrzewa? Tak to trochę wygląda. Jak odpalam od razu grę po tym jak mnie wywaliło to 2 minuty i znów to samo, jak odczekam więcej czasu to gra wytrzymuje dłużej. Kiedyś jak popsuł mi się wiatraczek na karcie grafiki to miałem podobne objawy ale wtedy po prostu PC się wieszał i nic nie działało bez twardego restartu. Mój Pecet stoi na takim jeżdżącym mebelku przy biurku i jest zabudowany z dwóch stron i faktycznie może być słaba wentylacja. To nowy komputer i DoW2 to pierwsza gra jaką zainstalowałem więc nie wiem jak się sprawuje w innych tytułach. Ale czy myślicie, że to faktycznie może być przyczyna? oto co mi w pliku warnings tym razem wyskoczyło:

18:24:27.43 -- DOW2 Warnings Log --
18:24:27.43 c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\dawn of war 2\dow2.exe started at 2010-02-16 18:24
18:24:27.43 OS NT 6.1, 4092 MB Physical Memory, 3004 Mb Physical Available, 3656 Mb Virtual Available
18:24:27.43 RUN OPTIONS: -logs
18:24:27.43 WORKING DIR: ''c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\dawn of war 2''
18:24:27.43 USER: ''Tytus''
18:24:27.57 MOD -- Initializing mod ''DOW2'', version ''1.9'', locale ''polish''.
18:24:28.30 APP - Multi-threading Enabled
18:24:28.30 XTHREAD: Detected 4 core(s) with 4 hardware thread(s)
18:24:28.57 NetworkManager::Create - creating network manager
18:24:31.53 Transport::Connection request to live://, AAAAA=?XnKid=AAAAAAAAAAA=?XnKey=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==
18:24:31.53 Transport::Connection request to live://, nKid=AAAAAAAAAAA=?XnKey=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==
18:24:31.53 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel GSTP
18:24:31.53 Net::ThreadFunction - Entering network thread function...
18:24:31.53 Session::Initialize - info, initializing session object, using threads.
18:24:31.53 Transport::Connection request to live://, AAAAA=?XnKid=AAAAAAAAAAA=?XnKey=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==
18:24:31.53 AutomatchInternal: Instantiating
18:24:31.53 PartyInternal: Instantiating
18:24:31.53 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel PRTY
18:24:31.53 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel QCKM
18:24:31.53 Session::Initialize - info, initializing session object, using threads.
18:24:31.53 Transport::Connection request to live://, AAAAA=?XnKid=AAAAAAAAAAA=?XnKey=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==
18:24:31.56 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel STEM
18:24:31.56 GAME -- Dawn of War 2, EXE Version: 1.9, Build 4476
18:24:31.92 ShaderDatabase : shader [DATA:Shaders\TERRAINOVERLAY.SHADER] specifies an undefined inputlayout terrainbasemesh.
18:24:31.93 VIDEO -- Driver Name = nvd3dum.dll Desc = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260
18:24:31.93 VIDEO -- Driver Vendor = 0x10DE Device = 0x05E2 SubSys = 0x34DB1458 Rev = 0x00A1
18:24:31.93 VIDEO -- Driver Version Product = 0x0008 Version = 0x0011 SubVersion = 0x000B Build = 0x2595 (9621)
18:24:31.93 VIDEO -- Driver GUID = {D7B71E3E-46A2-11CF-7D52-D0141FC2C535}
18:24:34.45 VIDEO -- Detected Display Video Memory [2667 MB]
18:24:34.51 VIDEO - NVIDIA card memory, dedicated [65552 MB], system [896 MB], shared [0 MB]
18:24:34.51 VIDEO -- Dedicated Video Memory [896 MB]
18:24:34.51 VIDEO -- Graphics Card Memory [896 MB] Texture Memory Available [2643 MB].
18:24:34.51 VIDEO - Using shader profile ''sm3''
18:24:34.56 SHADER -- variable [g_bPostProcessingEnabled] declared in [effectpool.shader] but not in .fx.
18:24:34.56 SHADER -- variable [g_useTerrainLightmap] declared in [effectpool.shader] but not in .fx.
18:24:34.60 SHADER -- variable [textureSize] declared in [terrain_splatongeometry.shader] but not in .fx.
18:24:34.79 VIDEO -- Texture Memory Start Device Reset: Video [896MB] Total [2643MB] Available [2611MB] Used [32MB].
18:24:34.79 VIDEO -- Texture Memory End Device Reset: Video [896MB] Total [2643MB] Available [2607MB] Used [36MB].
18:24:35.02 Largest sent is now 56
18:24:36.01 SOUND -- FMOD System Initializing...
18:24:36.01 SOUND -- Speaker output configuration set to Stereo
18:24:36.09 SOUND -- FMOD System Initialized on device G.
18:24:36.11 SOUND -- SIR Filter 1 initialized
18:24:36.11 SOUND -- SIR Filter 2 initialized
18:24:36.11 SOUND -- Initializing ...
18:24:36.12 SOUND -- 96 voices selected, using 96 LOD settings
18:24:36.18 SOUND -- Initialization completed!
18:24:36.21 GAME -- Beginning FE
18:24:36.26 starting fe
18:24:36.26 ScaleformFrontEnd - Loading Front End
18:24:37.83 starting fe done
18:24:37.83 APP -- Resetting fp control word.
18:24:37.97 HttpRequestAsync::Initialization - sending 0 bytes to
18:25:00.46 LastStand -- Adding heroPBG sbps\core\race_eldar\survive\farseer_hero at index 0.
18:25:00.46 LastStand -- Adding heroPBG sbps\core\race_ork\survive\mekboy_hero at index 1.
18:25:00.46 LastStand -- Adding heroPBG sbps\core\race_marine\survive\tactical_marine_hero at index 2.
18:25:02.15 PBGM Loaded in 5.700000 seconds.
18:25:02.48 GAME -- Using player profile TYTUS-KOMPUTER
18:25:07.02 FactoryT - CreateForm transition_movie
18:25:07.04 FactoryT - CreateForm main_menu
18:25:07.04 VIDEO -- Texture Memory Before Shrink Memory: Video [896MB] Total [2643MB] Available [2563MB] Used [80MB].
18:25:07.10 VIDEO -- Texture Memory Before Shrink Memory: Video [896MB] Total [2643MB] Available [2567MB] Used [76MB].
18:25:07.39 FactoryT - CreateForm news
18:25:07.95 LiveGetNewsAsync::Initialization - download [], [path:/relic/dow2/news/polish.xhtml]
18:25:08.24 HttpRequestAsync::Initialization - sending 0 bytes to
18:25:09.48 LiveGetNewsAsync::InProgress - retval [response:4294967246]
18:25:09.48 LiveNewsService::ParseData - begin parse
18:25:09.48 LiveNewsService::ParseDataEndElement - item [level:3], [category:update], [title:1.9 Hotfix Release Notes], [id:DOW2-en-NewFeatures], [date:November 10, 2009], [image:]
18:25:09.48 LiveNewsService::ParseDataEndElement - item [level:3], [category:update], [title:Ostatnia linia obrony Informacje o aktualizacji 1.8], [id:DOW2-pl-NewFeatures], [date:October 14, 2009], [image:]
18:25:09.48 LiveNewsService::ParseDataEndElement - channel [level:2], [date:2 lipca 2009 2009 18:18:41 -0400]
18:25:09.48 LiveNewsService::ParseData - completed [status=1], [error=0,(null)], [lastBuildDate=2 lipca 2009 2009 18:18:41 -0400]
18:25:11.03 Got XN_SYS_UI - guide enabled
18:25:25.14 LiveAccountService:OnSignInChanged, clearing profile settings.
18:25:25.15 OnConnect: connect failure
18:25:25.15 OnConnect: this wasnt a reconnect, no need for autologin
18:25:25.17 LiveAccountService:OnSignInChanged, clearing profile settings.
18:25:25.17 OnLogin: no previous login, auto selecting profile not required
18:25:25.19 Selecting profiles Tytus10
18:25:25.21 LiveGetProfileSettingsAsync - setting profile settings.
18:25:31.00 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:26:32.00 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:27:18.17 Got XN_SYS_UI - guide disabled
18:27:21.96 Got XN_SYS_UI - guide enabled
18:27:27.72 Got XN_SYS_UI - guide disabled
18:27:29.31 Got XN_SYS_UI - guide enabled
18:27:32.91 Got XN_SYS_UI - guide disabled
18:27:33.00 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:27:34.09 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel CAMP
18:27:34.21 FactoryT - CreateForm campaign_selection_form
18:27:34.23 FactoryT - CreateForm campaign_party_panel
18:27:34.23 Slot size does not match GameInfo::MAX_COOP_PLAYERS, did we accept an invite?
18:27:34.23 FactoryT - CreateForm chat_panel
18:27:37.47 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel SMSG
18:27:37.58 VIDEO -- Texture Memory Before Shrink Memory: Video [896MB] Total [2643MB] Available [2368MB] Used [275MB].
18:27:37.61 VIDEO -- Texture Memory Before Shrink Memory: Video [896MB] Total [2643MB] Available [2522MB] Used [121MB].
18:28:06.03 APP -- Game Start
18:28:06.03 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel PPGM
18:28:06.03 MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel SMSG
18:28:06.04 GAME -- Ending FE
18:28:06.04 ScaleformFrontEnd - Unloading Front End
18:28:06.12 GAME -- *** Beginning mission calderissettlement (1 Humans, 7 Computers) ***
18:28:06.31 VIDEO -- Texture Memory Before Shrink Memory: Video [896MB] Total [2643MB] Available [2528MB] Used [115MB].
18:28:06.32 VIDEO -- Texture Memory Before Shrink Memory: Video [896MB] Total [2643MB] Available [2533MB] Used [110MB].
18:28:06.34 GAME -- Precaching Action
18:28:06.37 PostStatsAsync::Initialization - Stats Upload Schema[Name:DOW2][Version:2][crc:540914239][len:1097] Record[len:403]
18:28:06.51 HttpRequestAsync::Initialization - sending 0 bytes to
18:28:06.75 GAME -- Loading Animators
18:28:06.99 PostStatsAsync::WaitForGetSchema - schema is id 261
18:28:06.99 HttpRequestAsync::Initialization - sending 403 bytes to
18:28:21.31 ImpassMap Load CRC
18:28:21.31 : 1056964608
18:28:21.31 : 1059892375
18:28:21.31 : 1053609165
18:28:21.31 : 0
18:28:21.31 g: 425632575
18:28:21.31 f: 425632575
18:28:22.41 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel GMCC
18:28:22.67 MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel MODM
18:28:24.50 GAME -- Loading completed (18 seconds)
18:28:24.50 VIDEO -- Texture Memory Before Shrink Memory: Video [896MB] Total [2643MB] Available [2538MB] Used [105MB].
18:28:24.58 VIDEO -- Texture Memory Before Shrink Memory: Video [896MB] Total [2643MB] Available [2538MB] Used [105MB].
18:28:24.58 SIM -- Setting SyncErrorChecking level to None
18:28:34.00 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:28:42.32 PerformanceRecorder::StartRecording for game size 8
18:28:42.32 GAME -- Starting mission...
18:29:04.10 NIS: App Timer override restored.
18:29:35.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:29:42.15 Unable to bind updater for fx [fx_abilities\space_marines\camouflage_00]. It could be looping in a fire-n-forget action.
18:29:42.15 Unable to bind updater for fx [fx_abilities\space_marines\camouflage_00]. It could be looping in a fire-n-forget action.
18:29:42.15 Unable to bind updater for fx [fx_abilities\space_marines\camouflage_00]. It could be looping in a fire-n-forget action.
18:29:42.15 Unable to bind updater for fx [fx_abilities\space_marines\camouflage_00]. It could be looping in a fire-n-forget action.
18:29:42.15 Unable to bind updater for fx [fx_abilities\space_marines\camouflage_00]. It could be looping in a fire-n-forget action.
18:29:42.15 Unable to bind updater for fx [fx_abilities\space_marines\camouflage_00]. It could be looping in a fire-n-forget action.
18:29:42.15 Unable to bind updater for fx [fx_abilities\space_marines\camouflage_00]. It could be looping in a fire-n-forget action.
18:29:42.15 Unable to bind updater for fx [fx_abilities\space_marines\camouflage_00]. It could be looping in a fire-n-forget action.
18:29:42.15 Unable to bind updater for fx [fx_abilities\space_marines\camouflage_flat_00]. It could be looping in a fire-n-forget action.
18:29:42.15 Unable to bind updater for fx [fx_abilities\space_marines\camouflage_00]. It could be looping in a fire-n-forget action.
18:29:42.15 Muting spew of bind updater. Fix art and re-test.
18:30:36.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:31:37.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:32:38.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:33:39.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:34:40.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:35:41.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:36:42.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:37:43.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:38:44.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:39:45.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:40:46.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:41:35.87 WorldViewSM::ProcessWVEvents - setting pause to 1
18:41:35.88 GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 1 (was 0), peer 0
18:41:47.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:42:48.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:43:49.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:44:50.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:45:51.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:46:52.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:47:53.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:48:54.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:49:55.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:50:56.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:51:57.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:52:58.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:53:59.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:55:00.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:56:01.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:57:02.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:57:42.11 GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 0 (was 1), peer 0
18:58:03.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
18:59:04.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:00:05.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:01:06.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:02:07.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:03:08.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:04:09.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:05:10.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:06:11.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:07:12.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:08:13.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:09:14.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:10:15.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:11:16.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:12:17.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:13:18.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:14:19.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:15:09.24 WorldViewSM::ProcessWVEvents - setting pause to 1
19:15:09.24 GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 1 (was 0), peer 0
19:15:11.35 GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 0 (was 1), peer 0
19:15:20.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:15:30.05 WorldViewSM::ProcessWVEvents - setting pause to 1
19:15:30.06 GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 1 (was 0), peer 0
19:15:33.61 GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 0 (was 1), peer 0
19:16:21.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:17:22.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:18:23.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:19:10.48 WorldViewSM::ProcessWVEvents - setting pause to 1
19:19:10.49 GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 1 (was 0), peer 0
19:19:24.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:20:25.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:21:26.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:21:36.67 GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 0 (was 1), peer 0
19:22:27.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:23:28.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:24:29.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:25:30.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:26:31.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:27:32.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:28:33.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:29:34.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:30:35.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
19:31:36.01 Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0

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Odpal inny sprzętożerny tytuł i (ta) zagadka się rozwiąże.
Tak na marginesie, logi może hostuj czymś bo to strasznie widok zaśmieca, a tak kto będzie zainteresowany to sobie obejrzy.

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W polskim wydaniu nie będzie żadnych dodatków w pre-orderze Chaos Rising?
Bo THQ u siebie udostępnił :
Bonus: Exclusive Librarian Wargear Pack
Free with your purchase of Dawn of War II - Chaos Rising from the THQ E-Shop*, the Librarian Wargear Pack includes four exclusive items for use with your Librarian. The pack includes:

- Sword of the Codicier (Level 20 Force Sword)
- Mantle of the Codicier (Level 20 Force Sword)
- Tome of Displacement (Level 20 Rare Tome)
- Obsidian Raven (Level 20 Rare Relic)

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Dnia 17.02.2010 o 12:52, Wilkv napisał:

Yay, nie ma to co bugi w DoWie...

dobre ;-))) musze sprobowac wyteleportowac farseerke tam na dol i tylko czekac na regen energii ;-)))

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Tak, do 20 fali. Wcześniej nie da rady stamtąd wyjść, co najwyżej używać skilli + atakować z brzegu.

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Dnia 17.02.2010 o 13:30, Wilkv napisał:

Tak, do 20 fali. Wcześniej nie da rady stamtąd wyjść, co najwyżej używać skilli + atakować
z brzegu.

Bzdura. Ten bug polega na wyjściu "za mapę" w momencie zamykania się bramy. Z tego co wiem dotyczy zarówno strony południowo-zachodniej jak i północno-zachodniej. Będąc w odpowiednim momencie, w odpowiednim miejscu zostajemy niemalże wypchnięci z domyślnego terenu i mamy pewien obszar gdzie możemy się poruszać, próby zaś wejścia w centrum mapy kończą się powrotem "na ziemię" i sztuczek trzeba powtarzać od nowa.

-> Teokrata - nie no nie wierzę, że jeszcze nie masz tego na sajcie, przecież ten abus jest znany już od bardzo dawna;]

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Bug się zdarzył mi 3 razy - raz mi, raz przypadkowemu Mekowi i raz przypadkowemu SMowi. I żaden z nas nie był w stanie powrócić na środek, nie licząc momentu, gdzie w 20 fali jesteśmy teleportowani za bramy.

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Dnia 17.02.2010 o 19:04, Wilkv napisał:

(...) żaden z nas nie był w stanie powrócić na środek (...)

Dziwne, może istnieje jakaś inna wariacja tegoż. To o czym pisałem było zawsze odwracalne.

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Dnia 17.02.2010 o 18:50, ChrisBgnr napisał:

-> Teokrata - nie no nie wierzę, że jeszcze nie masz tego na sajcie, przecież
ten abus jest znany już od bardzo dawna;]

po zrobieniu 2 razy 20 levelu Farseerka przestalem grac w TLS

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Dnia 16.02.2010 o 20:09, ChrisBgnr napisał:

Odpal inny sprzętożerny tytuł i (ta) zagadka się rozwiąże.
Tak na marginesie, logi może hostuj czymś bo to strasznie widok zaśmieca, a tak kto będzie
zainteresowany to sobie obejrzy.

Problem się rozwiązał. Przyczyną było przegrzewanie się komputera. Przestawiłem komputer w miejsce gdzie ma lepszą wentylację i zamontowałem dodatkowy wiatrak i problem zniknął. Dzięki za pomoc.

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Relic udostępnił na portalu Xfire filmik prezentujący pojedynek Czarnoksieżnika Chaosu z Arcyprorokinią Eldarów. Jednak najciekawsze w nim są komentarze developerów ujawniających zmiany w rozgrywce jakie przyniesie ze sobą Chaos Rising.

On Thursday, alert fans were given a special sneak peek at the upcoming Chaos Rising expansion for Dawn of War 2 through an Xfire sponsored livecast. After about twenty minutes of critiquing the Relic developers'' fashion sense against the Vancouver skyline over webcam as they fiddled with the army painter on the three new Chaos heroes, the real show started.

First up was the developer replay commentary, where a thrilling Chaos Sorcerer versus Eldar Farseer match showcased both the Chaos army in action and the tweaks to the Eldar race. The battle was exciting, with good play from both sides resulting in a back and forth contest that went down to the wire. If you have not seen it yet, it is a must watch, both for entertainment purposes and to see how the Chaos army functions in experienced hands.

Even though the game itself was spectacular, the real hook of the cast was the veritable information goldmine found in the developers'' comments. In terms of general changes to the way the game functions, walkers have been heavily buffed to be “line breaker” units, with increased health and cost to match. Vehicle wrecks are in, and to the delight of every converted Company of Heroes player out there, so are out-of-control vehicles. On a technical note, target priorities have been vastly improved for anti-vehicle weapons, which will now properly prioritize vehicles instead of wasting shots on regular infantry.

Relic has been in close contact with Microsoft regarding the TrueSkill ranking system for Games for Windows Live, and has been working to improve the quality of the matchmaking system to better reflect skill level and create more equal games. Tweaks to existing races promise to be diverse and extensive, with unused wargear gaining needed buffs. For example, the Stormshield upgrade for the Force Commander added an additional 20% damage resistance to ranged attacks. Underpowered abilities are getting some love as well. For example, the Farseer''s Webway Gates have not only gained the ability to infiltrate, but also the ability to cloak units in the vicinity. If those aren’t some sweet changes to the vanilla game, I don’t know what are.

Following the replay, viewers were presented with a showcase game on a new Space Hulk-like 1v1 map. Specific details of Chaos were shown, like how shrines, Chaos Space Marine upgrades, and even the Great Unclean One look in action. Even other races'' abilities were exhibited, like the awesome stompiness of the Weirdboyz’ Foot of Gork ability.

In addition, the developers also fielded some questions from the chat room. From this exchange, everything from the Space Marine versus Chaos Space Marine design philosophy to more specific changes to the races, like Eldar platforms being able to garrison, were revealed. All in all, it was an extremely entertaining and informative experience, and it was spectacular to see the enthusiasm with which the developers presented their labor of love.

For those that missed it, a replay can be seen right here:


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Zmiana strategii?Zamiast na GS-a prosto na forum?

Gdzieś o tym słyszałem-zmiany są ciekawe,ale wciąż to nie to samo,co Dawn of War jeden.

No i jako,że jesteś zwolennikiem C&C4,mam dla ciebie cudowną wiadomość-tego też będziesz bronił?

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Dnia 20.02.2010 o 19:14, Shveid napisał:

Zmiana strategii?Zamiast na GS-a prosto na forum?

na sajcie też to mam

Dnia 20.02.2010 o 19:14, Shveid napisał:

Gdzieś o tym słyszałem-zmiany są ciekawe,ale wciąż to nie to samo,co Dawn of War jeden.

zmiany sa swietne i jest ich na tyle duzo by calkowicie zmienic te gre

Dnia 20.02.2010 o 19:14, Shveid napisał:

No i jako,że jesteś zwolennikiem C&C4,mam dla ciebie cudowną wiadomość-tego też będziesz bronił?

no coz... Sam Bass mowi ze nie bedzie dedykowanych serwerow (choc mialy byc) bo wszystkie dane musza byc zapisywane na ich serwerach... zas co do LANa to wielka szkoda ale i tak ciezko by bylo zrobic takie LAN party by grac 5 vs 5 bez podlaczenia do sieci - ja jeszcze na takim nie bylem... poza tym to nie wina developerow tylko masowego piractwa ktore doprowadzilo do powstania tych wszystkich steamow, impulsow G4WL, itp

C&C 4 to gra dla tych ktorych przyciagaja nastepujace wyrazenia: strategy, multiplayer, team work, micro, fun.

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