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Dnia 03.09.2007 o 00:29, Monastor napisał:


So that''s what I was afraid of. We are indeed moving back. Our ministry tries to be wiser than people creating and supervising the foreign language. Is it a job of Roman Educator or some of the previous smart guys?

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Dnia 03.09.2007 o 01:38, Yorrickus napisał:

I think that Past Continuous would fit in here: I was learning English for five years (in the

Well, im also not sure about this tense here. I always though that we use PC (Past Continuous in short, not Personal Computer ;-)) for those actions, which took place in specific time (in past of course) and lasted for that amount of time without any breaks, for egz. : I was learning english all sunday. Or to say about longer activities that were happening in specific time, like : Yestarday at 8 i was watching TV.
So when we say "I was learning English for five years", doesnt it mean that i was learning engilsh for five years all the time, without any break ? :-)
Thou im not sure about my way of thinking here.

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well my school doesn''t go with the polish system at all so all the holidays and vacations who have at slightly different times

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So you live abroad? Where? Great Britain? Ireland? Sorry if I''m too inquisitive, but I''d like to know with who I''m talking :)

PS. Sorry for mistakes again, I''m sure that I''ve made at least one mistake in my last two posts in that topic :)

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Hehe, American school in Poland, something new for me :) But language of instruction is Polish, or English too?

PS. Well, maybe I speak English better than I thought :) Life likes to surprise me :)

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I haven''t visited this thread for quite a long time. I see it develops :) In four days English is going to be like a blessing for me - that''s because the majority of what I am gonna hear will be French. That''s pretty depressing, mostly due to my poor skill in french :/ Luckily the classes won''t be carried out in French but in English :]

Those of you who have started schoolyear today - you''re lucky peeps :) No stress, just school. I will have to deal with the arogant French.

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Dnia 03.09.2007 o 20:15, Quatre napisał:

Those of you who have started schoolyear today - you''re lucky peeps :) No stress, just school.
I will have to deal with the arogant French.

Yeah, I''m so lucky, that i can''t stop smiling - Hurray, learning again! :P And accept my condolences - Dealing with French is a really hardcore :P

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Dnia 03.09.2007 o 20:03, Laska-z-Polski napisał:

But language of instruction is Polish,
or English too?

English :S, Except for Polish and german obviously :D

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I really want to write something here, but I still don''t know, what :D. I can''t connect anything with subject, becouse I will probably write the same, what the rest of users wrote some time ago. So, new schoolyear has just begun, this is my last year in gymnasium (I know, in English there isn''t any word like''gymnasium'', which means ''school'', but we live in Poland... forgive me :D), so I must learn hard and I can''t use computer since tomorrow (only Saturdays and Sundays)... It isn''t very optimistic perspective, is it :D? For more, I just started to learn how to play the guitar in Music School, English lessons will start in October, capoeira trainings will start soon... so I have a lot to do in this schoolyear. I haven''t time for friends or computer! But I like school and English lessons (my group in EMPiK is just fantastic! Every lesson is funny and perfect), capoeira is brilliant and people, who learn and teach it are reallly nice and after every training I have fantastic humor (after English lessons too). So, in conclusion, schoolyear isn''t very bad.

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Oh my God, I''m shocked :) School in Poland where Polish is a secondary language... I''ve never heard before about schools like that. You have to speak English perfectly :P

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Dnia 03.09.2007 o 20:52, Laska-z-Polski napisał:

Oh my God, I''m shocked :) School in Poland where Polish is a secondary language... I''ve never
heard before about schools like that. You have to speak English perfectly :P

WHAT?! Polish school with polish language where it is a secondary language?! It''s madness... I know, English is very important language, but is it more important than polish? Even in Polish schools? I think it is not finished speech.

PS. Forgive me my grammar and vocabulary mistakes. If anyone find mistake, please, write to me about it. And correct me. Although I''m learning English 9th year, I''m not very good at grammar.

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Dnia 03.09.2007 o 20:52, Laska-z-Polski napisał:

Oh my God, I''m shocked :) School in Poland where Polish is a secondary language... I''ve never
heard before about schools like that. You have to speak English perfectly :P

Actually my English isn''t that good, but I don''t consider it bad :P And polish is only for the people that want to take it.

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madness?? THIS IS SPARTA !!!! ( :P)

the school is not polish and there are people form all over the world so having them speak polish just because the school is in Poland would be a litle weird (or maybe not?)

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Dnia 03.09.2007 o 21:00, Mr. Cin napisał:

Actually my English isn''t that good, but I don''t consider it bad :P And polish is
only for the people that want to take it.

So maybe it is an English school, with optional Polish language... for me, it''s good. I like English but don''t like Polish, so it''s school for me. Are there any lessons like maths, physics, chemistry and computer studies? With optional geography, history and polish... Geeeez, school from dreams... with scientific lessons, without boring hisotry, geography and polish, only maths, physics, chemistry, computer studies and English... and PE of course :D.

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Dnia 03.09.2007 o 21:02, Mr. Cin napisał:

madness?? THIS IS SPARTA !!!! ( :P)


Dnia 03.09.2007 o 21:02, Mr. Cin napisał:

the school is not polish and there are people form all over the world so having them speak
polish just because the school is in Poland would be a litle weird (or maybe not?)

It''s quite weird for me, but it''s interesting option. English school in Polish...

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the only classes that you HAVE to take are:

english ( literature, poetry and other stuuf)
math ( pretty obvious)
science ( chemistry,biology or physics)
and government ( history, geography, study of governments etc.)

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Dnia 03.09.2007 o 21:22, Mr. Cin napisał:

the only classes that you HAVE to take are:

english ( literature, poetry and other stuuf)
math ( pretty obvious)
science ( chemistry,biology or physics)
and government ( history, geography, study of governments etc.)

Quite good, but this government doesn''t suit to me. I don''t like this kind of lessons, becouse I''m typical strict-minded boy (like most of boys).

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Dnia 03.09.2007 o 12:48, Dann napisał:

> I think that Past Continuous would fit in here: I was learning English for five years
(in the
> past).

Well, im also not sure about this tense here. I always though that we use PC (Past Continuous
in short, not Personal Computer ;-)) for those actions, which took place in specific time (in
past of course) and lasted for that amount of time without any breaks, for egz. : I was learning
english all sunday. Or to say about longer activities that were happening in specific time,
like : Yestarday at 8 i was watching TV.
So when we say "I was learning English for five years", doesnt it mean that i was learning
engilsh for five years all the time, without any break ? :-)
Thou im not sure about my way of thinking here.

I''ve been thinking about that for some time today, and I think that...well...perhaps Past Continuous wouldn''t be the best choice in here after all. The tense that I would use in this case would be...Past Simple or "used to" construction. (I studied English sometime in the past. or: I used to study English.)

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I think ''junior highschool'' could be used when talking about the "gymnasium" :) I know it sounds a bit American, but I''m almost sure everyone will know what that is. Try to tell ''gymnasium'' to a foreigner - he''ll make a confused face and smile silly ;]

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