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Dnia 16.09.2007 o 14:49, petergriffin napisał:

by the way, what are you studying?

Im studying economics and finance in poland, but here in France its business and management

Dnia 16.09.2007 o 14:49, petergriffin napisał:

are you working somwhere? which city are you staying at?

Im not working at the moment, but hopefully Ill work for CD Projekt Guide Department :) I was contacted by a lady from this dept, she told me that they liked one of my reviews on and they would like me to write guides for their games for them :D But first I have to write a short trial guide - if theyll like it then Ill be a part of their team :] Im in the middle of the work right now making a guide to Railroad Tycoon 3 :D Wish me luck!

And I am staying in Dijon, thats the capital of Burgundy region. Its located in the east of France, vertically in the middle of France :) The name of my school is Grand Ecole Supérieur du Commerce à Dijon, Bourgogne - or just Burgundy School of Business :)

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Dnia 16.09.2007 o 14:57, Budo napisał:

Glad you made it to France safely. Good luck in studies among frogeaters ;]

Dont remind me the "getting to Dijon" part :) It took nearly 24h to get there by the bus :/ And then i had to look for accommodation - I was on my own. I was about to stay with a French guy, but one week before my arrival at France he emailed me that he couldnt find anything for both of us and I have to find something by myself :/ Fortunately I succeeded and at the moment I am waiting for my course to start on Monday 24th.

You wouldnt imagine how many Chinese study here :) You hear Chinese everywhere at school :D

How are the preparations for the semester in Spain going??

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Dnia 18.09.2007 o 14:54, Quatre napisał:

Dont remind me the "getting to Dijon" part :) It took nearly 24h to get there by the bus :/

I know, this is always a hard part but... you know there is something called planes..

Dnia 18.09.2007 o 14:54, Quatre napisał:

And then i had to look for accommodation - I was on my own.

Weird- you should have received help from students there that are to care about foreigners... ale second thing... it;s better idea to find accomodation before you go ;]

Dnia 18.09.2007 o 14:54, Quatre napisał:

You wouldnt imagine how many Chinese study here :) You hear Chinese everywhere at school :D

Kinda weird, but you can use it to learn some chineese :P

Dnia 18.09.2007 o 14:54, Quatre napisał:

How are the preparations for the semester in Spain going??

Slowly. I''ve written an email with few questions about program to director of my "future" (wydział, zapomniałem jak to leci), and received response just yesterday. So now I shall start choosing subjects. Thx for asking ;]

//już wiem, wydział- department//

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Dnia 18.09.2007 o 14:59, Budo napisał:

//już wiem, wydział- department//

Wouldn''t it be rather "faculty". As far as I know, in case of universities, department will refer to something smaller, a sub-unit of a faculty. For example you''ll have Electrical Faculty and Department of Electronics, or Mechanical Faculty and Department of Material Science.

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Dnia 18.09.2007 o 14:59, Budo napisał:

I know, this is always a hard part but... you know there is something called planes..

Yeah, but then I would have to take a plane to Lyon or Paris and get from there to Dijon by train - with all my luggage and a very poor skill in French :) Would you like to take that risk? I didnt :] And the bus was a direct connection from Katowice (i live in Sosnowiec, a neighbouring city) to Dijon so it was very convenient.

Dnia 18.09.2007 o 14:59, Budo napisał:

Weird- you should have received help from students there that are to care about foreigners...
ale second thing... it;s better idea to find accomodation before you go ;]

I didnt go there without any idea where I could stay there :) I had a list of cheap hotels and an address of a student residence - I am staying there now :) There is an organisation taking care of the foreigners and they help find accommodation - thats how I got in touch with the French guy who should have organised something for me. They would also help me find something during the induction week which started on 11th Sept and I got to Dijon on 7th. I would have to stay in a hotel for some days and i didnt want to do that because although I had addresses of the cheapest hotels in Dijon - you cant call them cheap :]

Dnia 18.09.2007 o 14:59, Budo napisał:

Kinda weird, but you can use it to learn some chineese :P

I even made two new Chinese friends already :)

Dnia 18.09.2007 o 14:59, Budo napisał:

Slowly. I''ve written an email with few questions about program to director of my "future"
(wydział, zapomniałem jak to leci), and received response just yesterday. So now I shall start
choosing subjects. Thx for asking ;]

The director of a dept at the university is called a "dean" :) Good luck in creating an interesting and challenging 30ECTS-list ^_^

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Dnia 18.09.2007 o 15:13, Klimos napisał:

Wouldn''t it be rather "faculty". As far as I know, in case of universities, department will
refer to something smaller, a sub-unit of a faculty. For example you''ll have Electrical Faculty
and Department of Electronics, or Mechanical Faculty and Department of Material Science.

No, department is the main organisational unit at universities. The next in order unit''s name depends on the type of a school: a technical university, a university of economics, a university :)

I think a faculty is the other name for a course.

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Dnia 18.09.2007 o 15:17, Quatre napisał:

Yeah, but then I would have to take a plane to Lyon or Paris and get from there to Dijon by
train - with all my luggage and a very poor skill in French :) Would you like to take that
risk? I didnt :]

Well... I plan.. train to big airport in Poland (dunno which one yet), plane to Madrid, and then bus to Santiago De Compostella ;]

Dnia 18.09.2007 o 15:17, Quatre napisał:

The director of a dept at the university is called a "dean" :)

Well, director of a department in Spain is called director so... ;]

Dnia 18.09.2007 o 15:17, Quatre napisał:

and challenging 30ECTS-list ^_^

Don''t worry, I plan this list not to be very challenging ;P
About 22-25 credits ;]

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Dnia 18.09.2007 o 15:21, Quatre napisał:

No, department is the main organisational unit at universities. The next in order unit''s name
depends on the type of a school: a technical university, a university of economics, a university :)

Sorry, I don''t get you at this point. Could you explain it?

Dnia 18.09.2007 o 15:21, Quatre napisał:

I think a faculty is the other name for a course.

I just checked the official template for tha Master Thesis at my University. It is:
Coventry University // name of the university
Faculty of Engineering and Computing // this must be what in Polish means "wydział"
Course: MSc in Computer Science // that''s the name of the course.

And I''m almost sure that in my home university in Poland we also used such notation. My courses were entirely in English and a few times I had to use official English names.
Technical University of Lodz // "Politechnika Łódzka"
Faculty of Electrical Engineering // "Wydział Elektryczny"
Specialisation: Telecommunications and Computer Science // "specjalizacja" just an alternative word for course.

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Dnia 18.09.2007 o 15:48, Klimos napisał:

> No, department is the main organisational unit at universities. The next in order unit''s
> depends on the type of a school: a technical university, a university of economics, a
university :)
Sorry, I don''t get you at this point. Could you explain it?

Sure I could :) By the next in order I meant the specialty, the course, a direction (thats a literal translation from Polish :)
And still - I have always thought that a department was used when referring to a Polish "wydzial", Ive never come across any other name for it but you may be right - after all Ive never studied at a technical university :)

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Dnia 18.09.2007 o 15:38, Budo napisał:

Well... I plan.. train to big airport in Poland (dunno which one yet), plane to Madrid, and
then bus to Santiago De Compostella ;]

Spain is a little bit further than France, so taking a bus for the whole route woudlnt be a good idea :)

Dnia 18.09.2007 o 15:38, Budo napisał:

Well, director of a department in Spain is called director so... ;]

Then Spain si different form poland and France.

Dnia 18.09.2007 o 15:38, Budo napisał:

Don''t worry, I plan this list not to be very challenging ;P
About 22-25 credits ;]

But according to the european higher education system rules a minimum of 30ECTS points each semester is necessary if you want your diploma to be respected in all EU countries :/ For instance I had to pick at least 30ECTS, otherwise I wouldnt be let to go study abroad.

Youre going for the spring semester, right? You lucky, nice hot&sunny weather :D

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Dnia 18.09.2007 o 16:16, Quatre napisał:


By the way, how are you doing with French keyboard? ;)
Did you have chance to use computing facilities at your school or you''re working on your private machine?

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Dnia 18.09.2007 o 16:16, Quatre napisał:

But according to the european higher education system rules a minimum of 30ECTS points each
semester is necessary if you want your diploma to be respected in all EU countries :/ For
instance I had to pick at least 30ECTS, otherwise I wouldnt be let to go study abroad.

Don''t know exactly the rules, but my friend were in Spain, and gained 22 points. Back in Poland she passed two more exams... 30 points in total ;]
Not sure if it''s respected in EU, but i think it is..

Dnia 18.09.2007 o 16:16, Quatre napisał:

Youre going for the spring semester, right? You lucky, nice hot&sunny weather :D

Let''s hope so ;]

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Dnia 18.09.2007 o 18:08, Budo napisał:

Don''t know exactly the rules, but my friend were in Spain, and gained 22 points. Back in Poland
she passed two more exams... 30 points in total ;]
Not sure if it''s respected in EU, but i think it is..

On my univeristy you usually had to choose subjects so that you''ll get 30 ECTS per semester. But if you didn''t manage or failed some exam abroad, you could choose some additional course when you got back in Poland.

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Dnia 18.09.2007 o 18:08, Budo napisał:

Don''t know exactly the rules, but my friend were in Spain, and gained 22 points. Back in Poland
she passed two more exams... 30 points in total ;]
Not sure if it''s respected in EU, but i think it is..

Perhaps it is what youre saying. Im in this bad position that Ill have to take all my "normal" exams in Poland when Im back. In addition of course to those in France (so this means Ill get 90 ECTS points during one semester - 30 in France and 60 in Poland :)

Im using this devil invention everyday :) I have my own laptop too but I dont take it with me to the school, it gets heavier with every passing minute when I walk to school :) I even make mistakes when typing on Polish keyboard now - Im so much accustomed to this bizarre French keyb :D

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Dnia 19.09.2007 o 12:45, Quatre napisał:

Im using this devil invention everyday :) I have my own laptop too but I dont take it with me to the school,
it gets heavier with every passing minute when I walk to school :) I even make mistakes when typing on
Polish keyboard now - Im so much accustomed to this bizarre French keyb :D

Don''t be affraid, that''s normal and what''s worst it won''t get better. You''ll make mistakes no matter which keyboard you''ll be using. Just get used to situations when e.g. you type "zzz," instead of "www." while typing in the webpage address.

And just to let others know what we are talking about - see the attached photo.
Few remarks:
- digits are normally avaliable only through numeric keyboard, those over the letters have to be typed with "shift"
- French letters are usually placed where you expect digits on alfabetic part
- few additional characters are available with "alt" and a digit on alfanumeric keyboard
- any ideas why it is AZERTY? I mean changing Q with A and W with Z. QWERTZ keyboard is quite popular, but this ???
- dot - "." is available with shift, which could be quite annoying
- why "M" is placed in the upper row?


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Dnia 19.09.2007 o 16:31, Mr. Cin napisał:

wow this looks realy weird

Trust me, I''m sure Quatre will confirm this. The outlook it''s just nothing comparing to your feelings when using it, at least at the begining ;)

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Wth is that? Can''t imagine myself typing on this keyboard...
btw do you live in France? This photo looks like yours ;]

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