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English Channel

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This year I''ve finally learned how to ride snowboard (I think "ride" is good verb), and I did it completely alone!!! Yeah, I''m really good :). I had week for it and just one day for me was required to learn how to ride. Now I can ride snowboard for all day, but unfortunately my winter holiday had finished three weeks ago, so now I must go to school...

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Hi there. From what I can see it''s only topic in english. Too bad only subjects are skiing and pc games:( I prefer console games. Well I guess I''ll wait until it changes tracks...

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Dnia 19.03.2008 o 09:58, liquid-mk napisał:

Hi there. From what I can see it''s only topic in english. Too bad only subjects are
skiing and pc games:( I prefer console games. Well I guess I''ll wait until it changes

Everything can be subject here:). You just have to found someone with similiar ones.

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Dnia 19.03.2008 o 09:58, liquid-mk napisał:

Hi there. From what I can see it''s only topic in english. Too bad only subjects are
skiing and pc games:( I prefer console games. Well I guess I''ll wait until it changes

You know what ? I am typical console gamer so that we can discuss about cosnole games and you won`t have problems with finding similar spirit to change tracks of discussion :>

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Can you transalte this text from Polish to English, please

"Na początku chciałem napisać, że u mnie wszystko w porządku. Jestem w Londynie. Tu jest cudownie! To miasto jest większe niż warszawa! Jest tu bardzo spokojnie i cicho, nie to co w innych miastach.
W wolnych chwilach zwiedzam miasto i chodzę po sklepach, do kina i na długie spacery.
Wczoraj kupiłem sobie nowe spodnie. Są niebieskie i sięgają mi do kolan.
A, i bym zapomniał - zapraszam cię tu do Londynu na moje urodziny za dwa tygodnie. Możesz przylecieć samolotem.
Na tym będę kończył"

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Dnia 26.03.2008 o 18:28, igier napisał:

"Na początku chciałem napisać, że u mnie wszystko w porządku. Jestem w Londynie. Tu jest
cudownie! To miasto jest większe niż warszawa! Jest tu bardzo spokojnie i cicho, nie
to co w innych miastach.
W wolnych chwilach zwiedzam miasto i chodzę po sklepach, do kina i na długie spacery.
Wczoraj kupiłem sobie nowe spodnie. Są niebieskie i sięgają mi do kolan.
A, i bym zapomniał - zapraszam cię tu do Londynu na moje urodziny za dwa tygodnie. Możesz
przylecieć samolotem.
Na tym będę kończył"

At the beginning I''d like to write that everything is OK. I''m in London. It''s wonderful! This city is bigger than Warsaw. It''s very calm and quiet, not like other cities.
In my free time I''m visitting the city, shopping, going to the cinemas and for long walks. I bought new trousers yeterday. The trousers are blue and they reach my knees.
Oh, I''d forget - I would like to invite you to my birthday party in two weeks. You can come by the plane.

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Dnia 26.03.2008 o 18:28, igier napisał:

Can you transalte this text from Polish to English, please

"Na początku chciałem napisać, że u mnie wszystko w porządku. Jestem w Londynie. Tu jest
cudownie! To miasto jest większe niż warszawa! Jest tu bardzo spokojnie i cicho, nie
to co w innych miastach.
W wolnych chwilach zwiedzam miasto i chodzę po sklepach, do kina i na długie spacery.
Wczoraj kupiłem sobie nowe spodnie. Są niebieskie i sięgają mi do kolan.
A, i bym zapomniał - zapraszam cię tu do Londynu na moje urodziny za dwa tygodnie. Możesz
przylecieć samolotem.
Na tym będę kończył"

Sure , Ill try ^^
In the beggining I''d like to write that everything''s allright. Im in London . Its wonderful here! This town is even bigger than Warsaw! Its very calm and quiet, not like in the other cities. In free time I walk around the town and visit shops, I also go to cinema and long walks.
Yesterday I bought new trousers. They are blue and reaching my knees.
Ah, I almost forgot - I am inviting you here, to London for my birthday in two weeks. You can get here by plane.
Thats all for now.

Maybe its not PERFECT translation but at least I like english language and I tried ! :d

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Ok, I''ve improved Radykał''s version a little bit and added some extra words at the end :] I hope you''ll like it mate!
By the way: why do you need it for? Who are you gonna send this to? And why, on earth, don't you translate it yourself if you live in London? :D
PS. can I come to your birthday party as well? ^_^

At the beginning I''d like to write that everything is OK with me. I''m in London now. It''s wonderful! The city is even bigger than Warsaw. It''s very calm and quiet here, unlike in other cities.
In free time I walk around the city, do the shopping, go to the movies and for long walks.
I bought new trousers yesterday. They are blue and knee-long.
Oh, I''d forget - I would like to invite you to my birthday party in two weeks time from now. You should take the plane, there''s a lot of really cheap flights to London you can chose.
That would be all for now.

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Dnia 30.03.2008 o 20:10, roforulez666 napisał:

Heeeeeey people ! Write something ... :D

Its getting boring here ^^

So, write something interesing ;P

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Dnia 05.04.2008 o 23:52, temek napisał:


Hi :)

Dnia 05.04.2008 o 23:52, temek napisał:

Is there someone ?

Yes, for example me xP

Dnia 05.04.2008 o 23:52, temek napisał:

Write somethings,

Somethings. Like that? :P

Dnia 05.04.2008 o 23:52, temek napisał:

example somethings obout girls

I like girls, especially looking at them :D In closer contact they can be hearthbreaking. And I don''t like this. I don''t like to suffer :P

Dnia 05.04.2008 o 23:52, temek napisał:

or sport

Kubica is going to start tommorow (or maybe today xP) from Pole Position. This is giant success and I can''t miss the race xD

Dnia 05.04.2008 o 23:52, temek napisał:

or weather

Weather is neutral. Not good, not bad. Nothing special, but it doesn''t prevent me from riding a bike. And I enjoy it a lot xD

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Unfortunately this topic is near extinction... I''ll try to resurrect it by asking you to answer one or two questions... [this ain''t SPAM...]...

1) How long have you been learning English?
2) Where have you learned it?
3) Do you live in Poland, or in some English speaking country??
4) How old are you?
5) What''s your gender? :P
6) How good is your English? Is it as good as Polish?
7) Do you speak any other foreign languages?

P.S. Feel free to answer ''em frankly:]

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Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

Unfortunately this topic is near extinction...

Yeah, and what''s more, I can see, that my post was last before you wrote xP

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

I''ll try to resurrect it by

Good luck ;)

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

asking you to answer one or two questions... [this ain''t SPAM...]...

1) How long have you been learning English?

Mmm... I don''t know, let me count... I''m learning English since 4th class of primary school, so that''ll be something about 8 years (woah! xD)

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

2) Where have you learned it?

I remember that. When I was reaally young (4-6 years old) I had Cartoon Network channel... but in English xD I can imagine now myself running from room to room, asking parents what everything meaned xD

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

3) Do you live in Poland, or in some English speaking country??

Poland, of course ;)

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

4) How old are you?

In September I will pass magical barrier of 18 ^^

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

5) What''s your gender? :P

And what''s that? Matrimonial agency? ;> Ok, ok, I''m male ^^

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

6) How good is your English? Is it as good as Polish?

I think, that I''m quite good in this language. I speak fluent and if someone would speak to me in English, there''s a chance, that I will understand him xD

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

7) Do you speak any other foreign languages?

I don''t know, if I can say so... I''m learning at school german, but to be honest- it''s not my favourite subject (maybe it''s because of my teacher? ^^)

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

P.S. Feel free to answer ''em frankly:]

Ok :D

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Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

1) How long have you been learning English?

I''ve been learning English since I was student at a primary school. I started with sending requests for prospects and labels to foreign companies.

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

2) Where have you learned it?

Myself, reading articles on the Internet, newspapers, books, etc.

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

3) Do you live in Poland, or in some English speaking country??


Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

4) How old are you?

Don''t ask me.... ;-P

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

5) What''s your gender? :P

I don''t understand?. What do you mean?

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

6) How good is your English? Is it as good as Polish?

I don''t think so but it''s quite good.

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

7) Do you speak any other foreign languages?

Yes, Russian

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Dnia 18.06.2008 o 15:19, mrosi napisał:

> 5) What''s your gender? :P

I don''t understand?. What do you mean?

Sarcastic or you really don''t understand?:P He''s asking for gender - he asks whether you are male or female.

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