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English Channel

1054 postów w tym temacie


Well- it depends, for example on my english lessons I make so many mistakes, but my teacher don''t pay attention to them- more important for her is vocabulary and fluent talking... so- even english people make many mistakes and don''t talk correctly. It depends whether you want to be perfect at english or just want to communicate easily :)

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As you''ve just said. It depends of circumstances... I have to use correct English all the time. My teachers need that. Of course, we make many of mistakes, but the teachers still correct us. again and again. Well, I''m trying to understand them... It is their job - to teach and our duty - to learn. We have to talk fluently too, but still with correct language...

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I don''t really get what this thing is about...if there is an English Channel, then why don''t we do a Spanish channel ,French channel and a German channel? Somebody explain this to me please...

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You can make it if you wish- but don''t expect many people talking there... spanish or french aren''t that popular ;]

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Dnia 27.12.2007 o 22:48, Budo napisał:


You can make it if you wish- but don''t expect many people talking there... spanish or french
aren''t that popular ;]

Ok maybe not in Poland - but technically Spanish is the most popular language in the world, and it is hard to not beleive that - Spanish is spoken (except Spain itself) in nearly, if not all, of South America.

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Dnia 27.12.2007 o 23:00, Everial napisał:

So?? Lets make a Chinese Chanel, huh?? It''s also very popular xD

Well yeah, that''s a good idea! And there will be 50 pages with 100 thousand messages with loads of little squares :P

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Dnia 27.12.2007 o 22:11, Budo napisał:

It depends whether you want
to be perfect at english or just want to communicate easily :)

That''s the point! Some people don''t pay much attention to grammar correctness and just focus on the message itself, the communication process, they try to keep the conversation going and they talk and talk and talk. In the second corner we have people who are afraid of making mistakes and they refuse to talk at all, they are shy and uncertain of their speaking skill and those people will not improve at all. Language is all about practicing and therefore it''s obvious that while practicing you ARE making a lot of mistakes, but that''s normal and totally acceptable. Besides, if you make a few mistakes people will most likely still understand you, but they won''t understand anything if you don''t even try to make an effort and speak :)

PS. On Sunday I returned home from one semester in French grande ecole where I spoke most often... (you won''t guess) English :D

PS.2 I''m glad that my topic has been resurrected ^_^

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Dnia 27.12.2007 o 23:54, Quatre napisał:

PS. On Sunday I returned home from one semester in French grande ecole where I spoke most often...
(you won''t guess) English :D

Lol, there are some ppl that talk eng??!! Impossible :P

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Dnia 27.12.2007 o 22:07, mrosi napisał:

Generally - yes. But you must be careful. If you are talking to foreigner who is very well
educated in English it isn''t enough to talk...

I''ve talked with a Canadian guy who had marvelous skill in English, he could use it better than most of the common Americans, the British and Canadians and still, despite my numerous mistakes, he told me that it was really easy to communicate with me and that I spoke some good English. If the native speaker is really well educated and is a person of decent manners he will try to help his conversant who''s not totally fluent in Eng and will forgive him the mistakes knowing that he''s just on his way to improvement :D That''s what my friend Mark did ^_^

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Dnia 27.12.2007 o 23:58, Everial napisał:

> PS. On Sunday I returned home from one semester in French grande ecole where I spoke most
> (you won''t guess) English :D
Lol, there are some ppl that talk eng??!! Impossible :P

Notice that I didn''t write I talked to the French in English :D Most of the time I talked to foreign students (USA, Canada, China, Spain, Turkey etc.) and they could handle English pretty well. There were a lot of French students who could speak English as well, but outside the school unfortunately the ability to speak English was pretty uncommon :) What''s funny, the Dijon bums were really good at English :D

And if not many people speak English you are better motivated to learn French which I have really tried :]

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Whoa, whoa, one month since last message? That''s enough! I''m ressurecting :P

So, what are you doing at winter holidays? I''ve spent one week in mountains, and now I have another week to devote myself on playing! :P

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Dnia 28.01.2008 o 20:12, Laska-z-Polski napisał:

You know, I also wanted to stay at home, but then I started skiing ;] Great fun :D

Skiing sux :-p I tried snowboarding for the first time four years ago and I fell in love with it :-)

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I tried skiing once in Chech Republic about 3 years ago... and I didn''t like it much ;]
You know, much people around, fun, snow, and great atmosphere (can I use this word in meaning that everyone''s having a good time?), but- skiing as a sport... it''s not much joy for me. When my family was skiing I was rather walking around in fortests, or trying to reach top of mountain without ski lift ;]

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