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English Channel

1054 postów w tym temacie

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

Unfortunately this topic is near extinction... I''ll try to resurrect it by asking you
to answer one or two questions... [this ain''t SPAM...]...

Good idea, applause for this men :)

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

1) How long have you been learning English?

Hmmm....6 years

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

2) Where have you learned it?

At school. Probably each of us start learning English at school.

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

3) Do you live in Poland, or in some English speaking country??


Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

4) How old are you?

I''m 16

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

5) What''s your gender? :P

Why you asking about it ?:P

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

6) How good is your English? Is it as good as Polish?

My English is good, but I want that will be better.

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

7) Do you speak any other foreign languages?

Yes, German

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Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

1) How long have you been learning English?

I am learning English for about 4 or 5 years.

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

2) Where have you learned it?

Of course at school and in home.

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

3) Do you live in Poland, or in some English speaking country??

I live in Poland.

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

4) How old are you?

I''m 16.

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

5) What''s your gender? :P


Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

6) How good is your English? Is it as good as Polish?

Well my English is worst than my Polish, but it''s not bad :P

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

7) Do you speak any other foreign languages?

I also speak German. Unfortunately I don''t remember all that lessons ;)

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Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

1) How long have you been learning English?

About 7 years ago.

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

2) Where have you learned it?

I think I started learning it in secondary school but I''m not sure.

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

3) Do you live in Poland, or in some English speaking country??

I''m living in Ireland.

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

4) How old are you?

I''m 22 years old.

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

5) What''s your gender? :P


Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

6) How good is your English? Is it as good as Polish?

Yes - my English is brilliant ;). I''m living in Ireland and I''m learning quite fast... Only thing that I just can''t learn is writing in English - It''s ironic becuase I''m living there 5 years ;P.

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

7) Do you speak any other foreign languages?

Yes - I can speak French and little bit of Irish.

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Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

Unfortunately this topic is near extinction... I''ll try to resurrect it by asking you
to answer one or two questions... [this ain''t SPAM...]...

... and it''s very good idea.;)

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

1) How long have you been learning English?

Hmm... I''m not sure but I think I''m learning for 6 years :)

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

2) Where have you learned it?

At school.

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

3) Do you live in Poland, or in some English speaking country??


Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

4) How old are you?

In october I''m finishing 16th level of my life :P

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

5) What''s your gender? :P

Above my avatar is little mark which shows it.

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

6) How good is your English? Is it as good as Polish?

I think quite gfood.

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

7) Do you speak any other foreign languages?

I can only say something about me and count in German.

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Well, well... I see that my recent, uhm... survey(?) was quite successful... Many of you decided reply to that post... So now I''m making a new one :PP

1) What was the first book you''ve read in English? What''s your favourite book that you''ve read in English?
2) Do you prefer to speak Polish or English (or some other foreign language)?...
3) Are you Polish? :]
4) Do you use English in your everyday life?
5) Are you still learning English? (if so, say how; if not, say why not ;])
6) What gives you the greatest difficulty while speaking/writing/understanding/reading in English?
7) Do you watch any movies/read book(/comics) in English

post_scriptum : If (due to my inquisitiveness) I am a pain to your ass, let me know, and I shall stop... ;)
And one more thing!! Let''s play a game... from now on, everyone who answers my survey will prepare his/her own set of questions :D; you can write one, or more if you like, and the others (including me) will be trying to answer them... OK? :]

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Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

1) What was the first book you''ve read in English? What''s your favourite book that
you''ve read in English?

I didn''t read book in english yet, but I watch a lot of movies in english :)

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

2) Do you prefer to speak Polish or English (or some other foreign language)?...

I prefer speak polish.

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

3) Are you Polish? :]

Ke pasa, amigo ? :P

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

4) Do you use English in your everyday life?

No,because its holiday, so I don''t go to school.

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

5) Are you still learning English? (if so, say how; if not, say why not ;])

Yes, I had mark A in 3 middle school :)

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

6) What gives you the greatest difficulty while speaking/writing/understanding/reading
in English?

The most difficult for me is speaking.

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

7) Do you watch any movies/read book(/comics) in English

Yes, I watch movies

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

And one more thing!! Let''s play a game... from now on, everyone who answers my survey
will prepare his/her own set of questions :D; you can write one, or more if you like,
and the others (including me) will be trying to answer them... OK? :]

Have you ever been in England ?

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Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

Well, well... I see that my recent, uhm... survey(?) was quite successful... Many of
you decided reply to that post... So now I''m making a new one :PP

You can always count on me xD

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

1) What was the first book you''ve read in English? What''s your favourite book that
you''ve read in English?

My first book was.. The Hobbit. My favourite one is... still The Hobbit xD

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

2) Do you prefer to speak Polish or English (or some other foreign language)?...

I''d rather prefer to speak Polish than English. Maybe it''s because it''s my mother tongue? ;>

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

3) Are you Polish? :]

Yes, of course, naturlich, ja wohl! xD

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

4) Do you use English in your everyday life?

Sometimes I like to say something in English because it sounds better than in Polilsh. But no, I''m not making any conversations in this language (some time ago I had, because I''ve been playing Guild Wars XD)

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

5) Are you still learning English? (if so, say how; if not, say why not ;])

Of course yes, I have one more year of education in high school ahead of me, and who knows, if I wouldn''t study some English philology in the future? And how? If I say, that I''m the best in my group, that would be enough? :P

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

6) What gives you the greatest difficulty while speaking/writing/understanding/reading
in English?

Some people (especially in England) have really hard to understand accent. So sometimes it''s understanding, nothing more ^^

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

7) Do you watch any movies/read book(/comics) in English

Sometimes yes, but not whole my time ;)

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

post_scriptum : If (due to my inquisitiveness) I am a pain to your ass, let me
know, and I shall stop... ;)

Oh, I don''t think, that I have something in my ass, especially you ^^

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

And one more thing!! Let''s play a game... from now on, everyone who answers my survey
will prepare his/her own set of questions :D; you can write one, or more if you like,
and the others (including me) will be trying to answer them... OK? :]

Ok, ok, i will think about it. ;)

So, do you think, that English will be useful in your life? Do you have plans with this language for the future?

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Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

1) What was the first book you''ve read in English? What''s your favourite book that
you''ve read in English?

I didn''t read any.

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

2) Do you prefer to speak Polish or English (or some other foreign language)?...

Well... it doesn''t make a difference for me.

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

3) Are you Polish? :]


Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

4) Do you use English in your everyday life?


Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

5) Are you still learning English? (if so, say how; if not, say why not ;])

Yes- by speaking and playing games in english, as well as by science research I do right now.

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

6) What gives you the greatest difficulty while speaking/writing/understanding/reading
in English?

Grammar, I don''t pay attention to grammar rules, so I make a lot of mistakes every sentence. In speaking english- I speak really fast, so people sometimes don''t understand me, I have to repeat more slowly.

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

7) Do you watch any movies/read book(/comics) in English

Rarely. Sometimes a movie or comic (for example "Gonethe Blastwave") :)

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

post_scriptum : If (due to my inquisitiveness) I am a pain to your ass, let me
know, and I shall stop... ;)

"in" our ass... or more kindly- in our neck ;]

>OK? :]

Well ok, but I have to think about them. But keep in mind I don''t want this topic to become one big survey, or forum game.

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Dnia 23.06.2008 o 13:44, Budo napisał:

>OK? :]

Well ok, but I have to think about them. But keep in mind I don''t want this topic to
become one big survey, or forum game.

Right, don''t ask too many questions:P.

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> 1) What was the first book you''ve read in English? What''s your favourite book that
> you''ve read in English?

The only thing I read in english was Edge magazine. :-)

> 2) Do you prefer to speak Polish or English (or some other foreign language)?...

Definitely polish.

> 3) Are you Polish? :]

Yes. Since I remember. ;-)

> 4) Do you use English in your everyday life?

Only while browsing internet.

> 5) Are you still learning English? (if so, say how; if not, say why not ;])

Not anymore.

> 6) What gives you the greatest difficulty while speaking/writing/understanding/reading
> in English?

Well, my vocabulary is still poor so I have difficulties with finding the right word.

> 7) Do you watch any movies/read book(/comics) in English

Watch movies? Yes. Read comics or books? See #1

About my own question: I''m to lazy. :-)

@Budo Well, if you don''t want this thread to become a forum game maybe you should show us the way Oh, Mighty Budo? ;-) Seriously, from what I see this thread lacks some main topic.

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Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

Unfortunately this topic is near extinction... I''ll try to resurrect it by asking you
to answer one or two questions... [this ain''t SPAM...]...

1) How long have you been learning English?

since I was 6? It''s 19 years now. OMG I''m old :D

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

2) Where have you learned it?

at first it was sattelite TV but then I went to courses and stuff.

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

3) Do you live in Poland, or in some English speaking country??

still in Poland and not thinking about leaving this country

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

4) How old are you?

25 (do the math in question 2)

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

5) What''s your gender? :P

male :D

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

6) How good is your English? Is it as good as Polish?

after college it''s both very well

Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

7) Do you speak any other foreign languages?


Dnia 18.06.2008 o 14:59, kuba9876543210 napisał:

P.S. Feel free to answer ''em frankly:]

That was a really good idea ''cause this topic is almost dead. People need to learn to use english in everyday life since it''s a requrement for almost every job right now. Besides it comes in handy when someone calls you names online and you know how to hit back.

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Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

Well, well... I see that my recent, uhm... survey(?) was quite successful... Many of
you decided reply to that post... So now I''m making a new one :PP

1) What was the first book you''ve read in English? What''s your favourite book that
you''ve read in English?

It''s not book, but the first English publication which I''ve read was Naruto chapter 001 ;p

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

2) Do you prefer to speak Polish or English (or some other foreign language)?...

I think it doesn"t make difference to me.

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

3) Are you Polish? :]


Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

4) Do you use English in your everyday life?

Yes, I read a lot of mangas and watch a lot of film in English. On MySpace I talk to other people in English.

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

5) Are you still learning English? (if so, say how; if not, say why not ;])

Yes, in school and language course.

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

6) What gives you the greatest difficulty while speaking/writing/understanding/reading
in English?

English grammar is a big problem to me. I make a lot of mistakes in sentence when I speak or write.

Dnia 19.06.2008 o 19:04, kuba9876543210 napisał:

7) Do you watch any movies/read book(/comics) in English

Yes, I watch a lot of movies and read many of mangas in English ;p

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Dnia 23.06.2008 o 12:47, temek napisał:

Have you ever been in England ?

Yes, for whole... six days! xD It''s a bit amusing that some people learn to speak a certain language without actually visiting the country from where it originates...

So far English has been very useful to me, and I''m sure that nothing''s gonna change it:) As for the future... Perhaps when I''ll go to university, I''m going to study in English, and I am not really planning to work in Poland when I''m older so I''ll need it. By the way: it''s always better to speak at least two foreign languages, for it can really make your life easier (assuming you live abroad), or you can simply help other people when they need to; or you can be a translator; or... and so on, and so on. It''s a pity that some people don''t wish to change the fact that they''re monolingual...

It seems that you aren''t the only one who''s got problems with articulation;) Even though now I am able to speak clearly without loosing the speed :D, it used to one of my greatest problems in not only English but also French, and... Polish!...
P.S. I''ll do my best to avoid spreading $pam and making this topic a place like "Słowna Zabawa", etc. If, by some yet-unknown-to-me way ;] I''ll not be able to handle it:), you can simply threaten us with shutting this topic, if we continue on spamming...

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AAAAAAAAAA!!! Damn spam! Please stop posting s**t here and maybe post something more interesting maybe?:) e.g. What games are you playing currently?:P

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All right ;).

Firstly ... hello everyone :)

>What games are you playing currently?:P

Well ... Full Spectrum Warrior from CDA cover DVD ;D and classical very old game Transport Tycoon Deluxe. It''s still very interesting game ... and what about you ?

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Dnia 24.06.2008 o 17:50, KŁEJK napisał:

All right ;).

Firstly ... hello everyone :)

>What games are you playing currently?:P

Well ... Full Spectrum Warrior from CDA cover DVD ;D and classical very old game Transport
Tycoon Deluxe. It''s still very interesting game ... and what about you ?

I got addicted to Frets on Fire:). Beside this I play 2Moons and F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate, Jade Empire (Collectioners'' Edition for 30PLn^^) and Battle of Yavin.

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Dnia 24.06.2008 o 22:51, tomoliop napisał:

I got addicted to Frets on Fire:). Beside this I play 2Moons and F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate,
Jade Empire (Collectioners'' Edition for 30PLn^^) and Battle of Yavin.

Hi.Can you please write few words about Battle of Yavin? I play mostly console games due to mine computer age but I''m very interested in every game from Star Wars series. Is it just a shooter or it requires any tactical approach? You didn''t heard by any chance about PS3 or Xbox version of the game? And one last thing is how powerfull must my PC to enjoy this game?

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Dnia 24.06.2008 o 22:51, tomoliop napisał:

I got addicted to Frets on Fire:).

Nah, you should better buy original Guitar Hero, and taste some really fun ;P

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Dnia 10.09.2008 o 18:55, Laska-z-Polski napisał:

> I got addicted to Frets on Fire:).

Nah, you should better buy original Guitar Hero, and taste some really fun ;P

Not really,Frets on fire is really good stuff.Keyboard to hand and go wild xD. And it''s free,big up.

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