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English Channel

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Dnia 18.10.2007 o 21:32, Budo napisał:

Relax... nothing chase you... I learn english for 16 years and I don''t know grammar rules,
I still make mistakes... but who cares- as long as you can make conversation in english, and
you understand what other person is talking about everything is just fine ;]

When someone is talking to me I understand every word - except words, which I don''t know :D, but if I must say something it''s harder, becouse I sometimes don''t know words and I make grammar mistakes, just like you and many others I think, becouse grammar is difficult, but not as difficult as our, polish grammar :D. I have problems with polish grammar sometimes, so mistakes in english are understandable I think.

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In my opinion vocabulary is more important than grammar- you should know some basic rules (sentence contruction, few tenses and so on), but actually- rules don''t make contact between people- words do (my little english philosophy :P).
Piece of advice- games in english, or books in english are good way to learn both grammar and vocabulary.

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Dnia 18.10.2007 o 21:51, Budo napisał:

In my opinion vocabulary is more important than grammar- you should know some basic rules (sentence
contruction, few tenses and so on), but actually- rules don''t make contact between people-
words do (my little english philosophy :P).
Piece of advice- games in english, or books in english are good way to learn both grammar and

That''s true - people in USA or Britain know english grammar worse than us, Polish, and they don''t use it. But I must add, that recently my speaking is better than, for example, in May, when I had oral exam, and for this few months I didn''t have to use this language, so I hadn''t practise it.''

So, I have to go. I add only that I like games in English more than in Polish - some of them have just better climate in English than in Polish :D.

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Dnia 18.10.2007 o 21:55, JayC napisał:

That''s true - people in USA or Britain know english grammar worse than us, Polish, and they
don''t use it.

I could tell the same about poles... I wonder why do you think so? I had an opportunity to talk with some of them, and all I can say is that their grammar was just fine.

>I add only that I like games in English more than in Polish - some of them have just better >climate in English >than in Polish :D.

Well honestly I also preffer to play games in their original language version rather than Polish, but it might be just because I got used to it or because I had some bad experiences with localized games (patching problems, lack of technical support, multiplayer not working etc). On the other hand, there are very few localized games that didn''t lost their unique atmosphere (for example near-perfect Baldur''s Gate II).

@ Budo - I agree, playing games/ reading books/ watching movies in original language version is a good way to learn grammar and vocabulary, however I think that it''s not enough to be able to talk fluently with foreigners. Most people think they know some foreign language good enough and that they could easily talk with foreigners, but when it comes to it they just don''t know how to start or don''t understand what they hear. If you really want to learn language, you won''t learn it fully unless you start living with it.

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Dnia 18.10.2007 o 22:44, Sth`Devilish napisał:

> That''s true - people in USA or Britain know english grammar worse than us, Polish, and
> don''t use it.

I could tell the same about poles... I wonder why do you think so? I had an opportunity to
talk with some of them, and all I can say is that their grammar was just fine.

The difference is that we learn mother language by using it, but we "assimilate" foreign language by learning it by heart. And so, we take care more of what we''re saying/writing in foreign language than in mother language.

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>Most people think they know some foreign language good

Dnia 18.10.2007 o 22:44, Sth`Devilish napisał:

enough and that they could easily talk with foreigners, but when it comes to it they just don''t
know how to start or don''t understand what they hear. If you really want to learn language,
you won''t learn it fully unless you start living with it.

It''s true, but I think it''s because of stress... when you have to talk with foreigner for first, second, third time.. practice makes.. confident imo :P

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Dnia 19.10.2007 o 09:03, Budo napisał:

It''s true, but I think it''s because of stress... when you have to talk with foreigner for
first, second, third time.. practice makes.. confident imo :P

Yes, but if you want converse with sameone in English, you must..... leave to(for?) England
Converse with foreigner ? that''s chance happen too seldom

P.S This topic is good for practise English ;)

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Dnia 29.10.2007 o 22:17, temek napisał:

Converse with foreigner ? that''s chance happen too seldom

Well, I have to say that I''m lucky enough to be able to talk with foreigner here in Poland. In my language college we have guy called Ian Upchurch, he is one of our teachers and as the name suggests he is a Native Speaker :-)

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Dnia 29.10.2007 o 22:21, Hubi Koshi napisał:

> Converse with foreigner ? that''s chance happen too seldom
Well, I have to say that I''m lucky enough to be able to talk with foreigner here in Poland.
In my language college we have guy called Ian Upchurch, he is one of our teachers and as the
name suggests he is a Native Speaker :-)

In my school I also have a chance to speak English. Actually some of the lessons are in English. :)
You can also easily improve your English in here ;) and by visiting English websites that might gain your interest, playing computer games which are in English and using it as much as you can.
BTW: How did you learn to speak English? In Poland?

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Dnia 11.11.2007 o 17:40, deih napisał:

I like McDonald

In my whole lifetime, I''ve been only few times in McDonald and I really regret my time and money spent there... Last time I''ve been there, I stood for 15 minutes in a long queque (actually there was a lot of people there, even some foreigners :)), I couldn''t even see their price-list (it was too far away, too small to read anything) and it was so loud there I did not understand a single word from sellers. I paid a lot of cash for a shit-worth food, and left still being hungry... I''ll rather wait 15 minutes for a REAL meal in some restaurant, than going to MC''s and eating that ugly and un-healthy food :)

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Dnia 11.11.2007 o 19:15, Budo napisał:


Watch Supersize Me, and read something about diet before eating in Mc Donalds, or place alike

I like food from McDonald very, very much:) And I watched Supersize Me:) And I still like that junk food:P

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I wish you luck then. Hope, that you will be rich enough to pay for medicine and therapy for your liver and stuff.

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Dnia 11.11.2007 o 19:15, Budo napisał:

Watch Supersize Me, and read something about diet before eating in Mc Donalds, or place alike ;]

Yeah, Supersize Me was a great movie. Although it didn''t change anything in my attitude for McDonald''s. I have been simply hating this place for a long time. When I was a child, I''ve been there several times and that''s all. What''s the point of eating there if all the stuff is the same- it doesn''t matter whether you order chips, hamburger or chicken nuggets - everything tastes like paper with addition of old fat. The only thing I imagine buying in McDonald''s is coffee, since it''s quite cheap and the place is often open when others are closed.

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Dnia 12.11.2007 o 11:04, Klimos napisał:

> Watch Supersize Me, and read something about diet before eating in Mc Donalds, or place
alike ;]

When I was a child, I''ve been there several times and that''s all.

Would you mind if I corrected you a bit?

"When I was a child i was there several times..."

It''s all in the past. You''re not a child any more, are you?

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Dnia 12.11.2007 o 11:19, VanPickUp napisał:

Would you mind if I corrected you a bit?

Yes and no ;)
I generally don''t mind if I am corrected, I appreciate it.

Dnia 12.11.2007 o 11:19, VanPickUp napisał:

"When I was a child i was there several times..."

Yes you''re right, but it''s Monday morning so "thinking mode" doesn''t work on full power yet.
Besides in this thread there''s so many more serious mistakes that simple "timing issue" shouldn''t be so visible.

Dnia 12.11.2007 o 11:19, VanPickUp napisał:

It''s all in the past. You''re not a child any more, are you?

Everyone''s a child, aren''t they?

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I am not going to be grown up ever :P
I always stay young, because people need to live not just be.
There is just one important thing to remember, you need to know how to pretend to be adult in the right time that''s all, at the rest of you life stay cool :)

Sorry for any mistakes I''ve made, I appreciate anyone who corrects my English :)
Unfortunately no one does that at all.

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Dnia 12.11.2007 o 09:59, Budo napisał:


I wish you luck then. Hope, that you will be rich enough to pay for medicine and therapy for
your liver and stuff.

I wrote that I like it, but it doesn''t mean that I eat a lot of that stuff. I eat it about once a month.

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