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Dnia 10.11.2009 o 18:31, Xentix napisał:

Mam problem z zadaniem z angielskiego mam zrobić prezetacje o zabytkach itych innych.
Ale mam problem z znanym człowiekiem wielkiej brytani chciał bym zdjęcie tej
osoby opis imię i nazwisko.

Winston Churchill, Królowa Ela II,Madame Tussaud, Królowa Wiktoria... Zdjęcia sam sobie poszukaj :P

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Dnia 11.11.2009 o 17:01, SeluS93 napisał:

2 zadanie z fizyki.

1.Samochód startuje i w czasie czwartej sekundy przebywa 14m oblicz w czasie 7

Najpierw obliczamy prędkość samochodu:
V = 14m / 4s
V = 3,5m/s
Teraz droga przebyta po 7 sekundach:
S = 3,5m/s * 7s
S = 24,5m
I to tyle.

Drugiego zadania nie zrobię, bo nie pamiętam jak to się obliczało. :P

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Ma prośbę z Angielskiego: Możecie to streścić?

King Casimir, who was rightly nicknamed the Great, loved dearly the common folk and simple people. The Monarch enjoyed their company so much that lest they be not overawed by the greatness of his majesty he would frequently put on garments of a wan¬derer and roam the Polish villages and towns in this disguise. He always wanted to know if the people lived happy lives and were not troubled by any want.
Once, on one of these errands, he arrived in the evening at a tiny settlement. The night was about to flood the whole world with darkness, so the King decided to seek the hospitality of his subjects. Thus he came up to the nearest cottage and knocked at the door, since its brightly illuminated windows seemed to be inviting him to make a stop there. And the King was not mistaken, as the door opened promptly for him and he was led into a large room. However, his amazement was great when he saw the family of the house. Both their dress and speech testified to the fact that the King had not found himself in a peasant''s household.
He cast a curious look around and soon realized that the good people who had offered their hospitality to him were of the Jewish religion and that he was obviously in the midst of some festive celebra¬tions. He was seated at a richly set table, to which the host had invited him, and was asked to partake of the meal. While eating and savouring the taste of the pancakes thickly sprinkled with fragrant cinnamon, the King, being completely unfamiliar with the Jewish customs, paid attention to everything that was going on around Him. At one moment he happened to galnce into a distant corner of the room. Near the window there he noticed a small lamp, finely wrought in silver. Eight bright flames flickered gaily in its tiny vessels, resembling bells or thimbles. Nearby, removed into the shade, sat a young woman with her gaze pensively penetrating the darkness outside. Though she was sitting side- ways and the King was unable to see the features of her face distinctly, he could not stop looking at her. As if enchanted he observed her slim, girlish figure, clad in a bright dress embroidered with golden thread, which contrasted with the shock of her long black hair, which flowed softly to the floor in abundant ringlets. Suddenly, as if aware of someone's gaze, the girl turned her head, showing a face of almost unearthly beauty. For a split second her gentle dark eyes met those of the King. The sight of the stranger made her spring up and leave the room hasti-
At that moment the host addressed his guest:
''Please forgive me Sir, that my daughter, Esther, has left us so suddenly. It is because she is rather unaccustomed to the presence of strangers in the house and your glance must have made her feel uneasy.''
It occurred to King Casimir that he could do something good for the girl, so he chose to reveal his identity to Esther''s father and offered to take the maiden to his castle in Cracow, where she could become one of the Queen''s ladies-in-waiting. The father, however, would not even hear of this, as it was unthinkable for him to let his only daughter live among people of a different religion. For fear of the King''s anger, he chose his words carefully while explaining the matter. The royal guest, however, understood the fatherly care and feelings well enough, so he did not insist any more.

After a plentiful supper the King went outside to breathe in some cool evening air. While he was standing there, looking up at the starry winter sky, he heard a delicate woman''s voice behind him. He looked back and saw Esther who spoke to him in the following words:
''I did hear your conversation with my father, Sire, and I am ready to go to the court with you, even against his will. I promise to be a most faithful servant of yours. ''
The spirited words of the young woman surprised the King immensely, but before he had time to respond she added:
''Tomorrow morning, when you''re leaving, I''ll be awaiting Your Majesty at the fringe of the nearby woods. ''
Having said so Esther hurried back into the house, leaving the King alone with his thoughts amidst the frosty darkness of a winter night.
Next morning King Casimir said goodbye to his host and rewarded his hospitality with a purse of gold. With his heart heavy he started off to meet the fate to which he had silently consented the previous evening. Soon, riding by the woods, he saw the fragile silhouette of Esther, who, true to her word, awaited him there.
How did this story develop? It is not difficult to guess, as it must have been love at first sight that made the girl disobey her father. Since the King reciprocated her feelings, Esther became his mistress. She bore him two sons and two daughters. He loved her so dearly that he had a number of manor-houses built for her in various parts of Poland and as the awareness that he had wronged her father never left the King, he became a protector of all the Jewish people inhabiting his land, conferring many privileges upon them.

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Piszę interpretacją wiersza "Do Postuma" Horacego. Potrzebuję dowodu na to, że podmiot liryczny można utożsamić z autorem. Mógłby mi ktoś pomoc? To co znalazłem mówi jedynie o tym, że można utożsamić lecz nie podaje na to dowodu.

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Dnia 11.11.2009 o 18:04, Assasin93 napisał:

> 2 zadanie z fizyki.
> 1.Samochód startuje i w czasie czwartej sekundy przebywa 14m oblicz w czasie
> sekundy.

Najpierw obliczamy prędkość samochodu:
V = 14m / 4s
V = 3,5m/s
Teraz droga przebyta po 7 sekundach:
S = 3,5m/s * 7s
S = 24,5m
I to tyle.

Drugiego zadania nie zrobię, bo nie pamiętam jak to się obliczało. :P

Zrobiłem podobny błąd, w zadaniu jest napisane i w czasie czwartej a nie przez 4 sekundy ;]

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Dnia 11.11.2009 o 20:45, Assasin93 napisał:

A to nie znaczy to samo? W czasie czwartej - po 4 sekundach od startu?

Nie. Wytłumaczę to na czym innym :) Po 4 dniach czyli czas obejmujący całe 4 dni (załóżmy od poniedziałku do czwartku). W czasie czwartego dnia oznacza to, że czas obejmuje tylko ten czwarty dzień (czyli tylko czwartek). (coś mi się wydaję, że do kitu to wytłumaczyłem :))

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Dnia 11.11.2009 o 17:01, SeluS93 napisał:

2 zadanie z fizyki.

1.Samochód startuje i w czasie czwartej sekundy przebywa 14m oblicz w czasie 7

Znam tylko stosunki między drogami w czasie danej sekundy
Wygląda to tak: 1(1s):3(2s):5(3s):7(4s):9(5s):11(6s):13(7s) itd.
Wychodzi na to, że 14/4=x/7 czyli x=24,5 m

Dnia 11.11.2009 o 17:01, SeluS93 napisał:

i jeszcze jedne

2.Z nie ruchomej armaty o masie 1000 kg wystrzeloną kule o masie 2 kg z prędkością
400m/s, z jaką prędkością poruszy się armata gdy stoi pod nachylenie do ziemi 30 stopni(tak
jak na rysunku)

Rozłóż prędkość kuli na dwie składowe czyli na prędkość względem osi x i osi y. Tobie przyda się tylko prędkość względem osi x czyli cos(30 stopni)=prędkość x/ 400 => prędkość x= 400*cos(30stopni). Teraz zastosuj prawo zachowania pędu.
Pewien rozwiązania nie jestem.

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Dnia 11.11.2009 o 21:26, Assasin93 napisał:

> Wychodzi na to, że 14/4=x/7 czyli x=24,5 m

Ale wynik ten sam. ;]

Rzeczywiście :D Albo jest to poprawny wynik albo jesteśmy obydwaj do kitu (bez urazy :)) :D

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EPIC FAIL. Kurde, nie umieć w tym wieku samemu przeczytać tekstu, a jeśli ma się problemy z językiem to przetłumaczyć, to naprawdę życiowa porażka.

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Dnia 11.11.2009 o 22:04, Baluk25 napisał:

EPIC FAIL. Kurde, nie umieć w tym wieku samemu przeczytać tekstu, a jeśli ma się problemy
z językiem to przetłumaczyć, to naprawdę życiowa porażka.

test rozumiem bez translatora ale jestem ścisłowcem więc pisanie streszczeń to nie moja działka

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Ścisłowiec to w twoim mniemaniu człowiek co nie jest wstanie napisać słowa ,,tekst", ani streścić tekstu? Kurde, przerąbane, bo matura z polaka jest obowiązkowa, będziesz mógł jedynie trzy krzyżyki na środku walnąć i oddać ; /.

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