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Dnia 10.10.2007 o 18:41, Budo napisał:

> We can see the same thing in Polish. Words like ''cze'' or ''dozo'', ''wporzo'' are used
> short messages to make them shorter. BTW (yesss ;)), I really hate it (I mean ''cze''..).

Well, yes, I agree, we have some sort of slang in mmo''s as well as in real life- but it''s
social, complex matter- in real life people create their own words to underline their identity,
difference from other. In games we create new words for /utilitarian/ purposes- it''s easier
to communicate this way. So reasons to create new words in games and in life are different...

When talking ''bout ''some sort of slang'' do You mean the one used by f.e. tracksuit men? :D

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Dnia 10.10.2007 o 18:44, qn.ik napisał:

When talking ''bout ''some sort of slang'' do You mean the one used by f.e. tracksuit men?

I don''t know what does "tracksuit men" mean... as a slang I take bunch of specific words used by some group of people in society.

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Dnia 10.10.2007 o 18:47, Budo napisał:

> When talking ''bout ''some sort of slang'' do You mean the one used by f.e. tracksuit
> :D

I don''t know what does "tracksuit men" mean... as a slang I take bunch of specific words used
by some group of people in society.

Some kinda joke. Tracksuit men means "men wearing tracksuits" :D And it means ''dresy'' in Polish :D

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Dnia 10.10.2007 o 18:51, qn.ik napisał:

Some kinda joke. Tracksuit men means "men wearing tracksuits" :D And it means ''dresy'' in
Polish :D

Lol, firstly I thought that tracksuit men can be connected with trucks or sth :P
Now I understand, but remember, that slang used by this group is simple, main phrase is "dawaj komórę", or "wp.....l chcialeś?", and that''s all :P Let''s talk about groups consisting more developed people ;]

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Dnia 10.10.2007 o 18:23, qn.ik napisał:

We can see the same thing in Polish. Words like ''cze'' or ''dozo'', ''wporzo'' are used in
short messages to make them shorter. BTW (yesss ;)), I really hate it (I mean ''cze''..).

Aach, I also hate words like this. Can''t they just say "cześć", or "w porządku" ?! :/
PS "They", "Say" - what a nice rhyme ;]

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Dnia 13.10.2007 o 15:54, Laska-z-Polski napisał:

> We can see the same thing in Polish. Words like ''cze'' or ''dozo'', ''wporzo'' are used
> short messages to make them shorter. BTW (yesss ;)), I really hate it (I mean ''cze''..).

Aach, I also hate words like this. Can''t they just say "cześć", or "w porządku" ?! :/
PS "They", "Say" - what a nice rhyme ;]

No, as You can see, they can''t. They want to be as trendy as possible and they recognize each other (ekhm, "homie") by these shortcuts. Bleh :/

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Dnia 13.10.2007 o 17:50, qn.ik napisał:

No, as You can see, they can''t. They want to be as trendy as possible and they recognize each
other (ekhm, "homie") by these shortcuts. Bleh :/

Gah. Really boring... I have the a situation like this in my school, in a one year younger class. They think, that if they says words such as "ku**a", "pie**olony", etc, they are cool. Bullshit...

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Dnia 13.10.2007 o 17:57, Laska-z-Polski napisał:

> No, as You can see, they can''t. They want to be as trendy as possible and they recognize
> other (ekhm, "homie") by these shortcuts. Bleh :/

Gah. Really boring... I have the a situation like this in my school, in a one year younger
class. They think, that if they says words such as "ku**a", "pie**olony", etc, they are cool.

Agree but the other option is, that they hear these words at home every day. It''s a pity, they are "educated" this way.. :(

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Dnia 13.10.2007 o 18:48, qn.ik napisał:

Agree but the other option is, that they hear these words at home every day. It''s a pity,
they are "educated" this way.. :(

They could almost took this from friends or people, who are close to. I have some friends in my class, who use this words all the time. I had started to use these words, when I met theirs, and now I use these words (sorry for repeating this phrase, but I don''t know, how is "przeklinać" in English :D) only when I''m very angry or when I''m talking with these friends. But sometimes I use words like "ku*wa" just becouse - for example I do something easy and stressless for mistake.

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>(sorry for repeating this phrase, but I don''t know, how is "przeklinać"

Dnia 18.10.2007 o 20:01, JayC napisał:

in English :D)

To use dirty language :P
>only when I''m very angry
I use dirty words, when I''m really annoyed, or even mad.

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Dnia 18.10.2007 o 20:10, Firaxo napisał:

To use dirty language :P

It could be, but I was thinking about "cursing" or something like that, but every phrase for exchange is ok.

Dnia 18.10.2007 o 20:10, Firaxo napisał:

I use dirty words, when I''m really annoyed, or even mad.

We SHOULD use dirty words in this condition, but some people use this words all the time, doesn''t matter if they''re angry or happy, mad or calm.

EDIT: Maybe it sounds like "We should use dirty words" - I mean we should use drity language only in specific conditions, like madness or anger for example, of course we mustn't use these words, but If we must - only in this conditions.

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Dnia 18.10.2007 o 20:17, JayC napisał:

We SHOULD use dirty words in this condition, but some people use this words all the time, doesn''t
matter if they''re angry or happy, mad or calm.

Sometimes you have to use some dirty words in order to calm down. But I don''t think using them all the time is a good idea, cause you can hurt someone''s feelings.

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>(sorry for repeating this phrase, but I don''t know, how is "przeklinać" in English :D)

I thought ''przeklinać'' is swear in English ;)
I think that swearing is useful, but only in extreme conditions, for instance: something/someone made us very angry. It''s a way of ''cooling down'', if you know what I mean ;)
Generally I don''t appreciate people, who swear a lot ''just because.'' That usually indicates rude behaviour.
And what is more, when I''m thinking about people who swear a lot, I see a tracksuit boy in my minds eyes ^^

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Dnia 18.10.2007 o 20:37, Belegdil napisał:

I thought ''przeklinać'' is swear in English ;)

Oh, "swear"... I''ve forgot :D.

Dnia 18.10.2007 o 20:37, Belegdil napisał:

I think that swearing is useful, but only in extreme conditions, for instance: something/someone
made us very angry. It''s a way of ''cooling down'', if you know what I mean ;)

I know, and that''s the main reason, when we should swear - I don''t like, when somebody, who is talking to me, swears a lot, and in every sentence must be dirty word. That''s madness...

Dnia 18.10.2007 o 20:37, Belegdil napisał:

Generally I don''t appreciate people, who swear a lot ''just because.'' That usually indicates
rude behaviour.
And what is more, when I''m thinking about people who swear a lot, I see a tracksuit boy in
my minds eyes ^^

Tracksuit boys (and not only boys, trust me - girls too) are identifying with swearing and some worse things, but some of my "good" friends (I mean calm and "dobrze wychowani", I don''t know how it is in English, sorry) sometimes swear just becouse. I hate that, but I''m not saint too :D.

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Dnia 18.10.2007 o 20:45, JayC napisał:

"dobrze wychowani"

well-behaved, I think ;)

Dnia 18.10.2007 o 20:45, JayC napisał:

I hate that, but I''m not saint too :D.

Sometimes I also swear without proper reason, but it from time to time happens to all of us ;)

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Dnia 18.10.2007 o 20:48, Belegdil napisał:

well-behaved, I think ;)

That''s another example, that I''m not good at English ;].

Dnia 18.10.2007 o 20:48, Belegdil napisał:

Sometimes I also swear without proper reason, but it from time to time happens to all of us

It happens too often for me - I must work on this. I don''t want to swear without reason any more. I want to change my character, and it won''t stop on swearing only - there are many things, that I want change. It will be hard for sure.

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Dnia 18.10.2007 o 20:56, JayC napisał:

That''s another example, that I''m not good at English ;].

That''s not true. The amount of words you use will probably increase. The longer you learn, the more words you know.

Dnia 18.10.2007 o 20:56, JayC napisał:

It happens too often for me - I must work on this. I don''t want to swear without reason any
more. I want to change my character, and it won''t stop on swearing only - there are many things,
that I want change. It will be hard for sure.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I heard that thousand times before. As soon as you''ll have some effects -> let me know :P
Ok, I have to go and learn for my guitar lesson.
Take care ;)

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Dnia 18.10.2007 o 21:02, Belegdil napisał:

That''s not true. The amount of words you use will probably increase. The longer you learn,
the more words you know.

I''m learning English for nine years and I think that I''m not as good as I should be on this level - it''s FCE level O.o.

Dnia 18.10.2007 o 21:02, Belegdil napisał:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I heard that thousand times before. As soon as you''ll have some effects
-> let me know :P

So you don''t believe in me? Have a little faith - I think if man really wants something, he could reach the target. Changing myself is my life target, and how it will end - we will see.

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Dnia 18.10.2007 o 21:17, JayC napisał:

I''m learning English for nine years and I think that I''m not as good as I should be on this
level - it''s FCE level O.o.

Relax... nothing chase you... I learn english for 16 years and I don''t know grammar rules, I still make mistakes... but who cares- as long as you can make conversation in english, and you understand what other person is talking about everything is just fine ;]

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